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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Order of Preachers Without Bethany

"May I tell you today that, without Bethany, the Preachers' Order (Dominicans) would miss something essential." These are the words of the  Master of the Order, Fr. Bruno Cadore, OP., on the occasion of the beatification of the Apostle of Prisons, Father Jean-Joseph Lataste, OP.

By Bethany, Father Cadore means the Bethanian tradition of mercy, forgiveness, and friendship.  Bethanian spirituality was taught by Pere Jean-Joseph Lataste.  It believes in the very idea of human dignity in human societies.  What Lataste meant regarding rehabilitation, more than prisoners individually considered, he included all of humanity, and forgiving all.  God offers communion with Him through friendship with Him.  Lataste thought of the Order of Preachers, as founded upon friendship with God.  The Order is a friend for all human beings and announces to everyone that they are saved by God's friendship.  Hence it is merciful friendship.

Without Bethany, the Order of Preachers would not be Preachers of grace.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...