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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

It's that time of the week, again--Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival.  We're Catholic bloggers who link up each week to share our posts.  If you have a blog, you can join, too, right here.  

This week's question is asking what my favorite prayer is.  That depends.  If in trouble, I just keep repeating, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus......"   If I feel anxious, nervous, or worried, I have a mantra: "All is passing.  God alone abiding."  All day, when I think of it, I pray the Jesus prayer, "Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners."  After Communion, I pray, Anima Christi.  Then of course, I pray extemporaneously, which means I just talk to God, all day long.

This week's posts are:

Monday -- The priest took off and didn't tell anyone.  The church was all locked up--no sign or anything.

Tuesday -- I wrote a letter to the pope.  No it wasn't about the priest who didn't tell his parishioners that he took the day off.  But I had him in mind when I wrote the letter.  My letter was about communication.  The pope requested Sunday that he was declaring a Day of Prayer for Syria and the world, six days later.  Well, how in the world can a priest like the one who forgets to tell the congregation that there's a bake sale going on after all the Masses, and takes off for the Labor Day Holiday, and forgets to tell anyone, or even tape a sign on the door saying "No Mass, today," how is he going to get the message about the day of prayer a few days after he comes back;never mind get any kind of service together to have a time of prayer?  

Wednesday -- The vigil of my hero.

Thursday -- I posted twice.  One was about how I think that it could be a blessing to be in prison.  Another was a You Tube Video of the pope announcing his day of prayer and fasting for world peace.

Friday -- Friday is my TOPS meeting day, and I came from the meeting energized.

Saturday, the family celebrated my son's birthday.  My baby turns 30, Sept. 8.  He shares the birthday of Our Lady.  So I didn't have time to do a separate post for today.  I barely remembered that I signed up to pray for peace at 18:30.  And I was glad that RAnn at This That and the Other Thing called the Sunday Snippets, to order.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...