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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

It's that time of the week, again--Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival.  We're Catholic bloggers who link up each week to share our posts.  If you have a blog, you can join, too, right here.  

This week's question is asking what my favorite prayer is.  That depends.  If in trouble, I just keep repeating, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus......"   If I feel anxious, nervous, or worried, I have a mantra: "All is passing.  God alone abiding."  All day, when I think of it, I pray the Jesus prayer, "Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners."  After Communion, I pray, Anima Christi.  Then of course, I pray extemporaneously, which means I just talk to God, all day long.

This week's posts are:

Monday -- The priest took off and didn't tell anyone.  The church was all locked up--no sign or anything.

Tuesday -- I wrote a letter to the pope.  No it wasn't about the priest who didn't tell his parishioners that he took the day off.  But I had him in mind when I wrote the letter.  My letter was about communication.  The pope requested Sunday that he was declaring a Day of Prayer for Syria and the world, six days later.  Well, how in the world can a priest like the one who forgets to tell the congregation that there's a bake sale going on after all the Masses, and takes off for the Labor Day Holiday, and forgets to tell anyone, or even tape a sign on the door saying "No Mass, today," how is he going to get the message about the day of prayer a few days after he comes back;never mind get any kind of service together to have a time of prayer?  

Wednesday -- The vigil of my hero.

Thursday -- I posted twice.  One was about how I think that it could be a blessing to be in prison.  Another was a You Tube Video of the pope announcing his day of prayer and fasting for world peace.

Friday -- Friday is my TOPS meeting day, and I came from the meeting energized.

Saturday, the family celebrated my son's birthday.  My baby turns 30, Sept. 8.  He shares the birthday of Our Lady.  So I didn't have time to do a separate post for today.  I barely remembered that I signed up to pray for peace at 18:30.  And I was glad that RAnn at This That and the Other Thing called the Sunday Snippets, to order.

Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this ...