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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

There's a Pub at the Top

"There's a pub at the top." is a common refrain as hikers pass you, going down the mountain.  It's a joke.  There's no pub; they're just saying that to encourage you to keep on walking.  We didn't meet any hikers coming down, today.  It was raining.  We were the only fools hiking.  It's rather dangerous to hike in the rain because the ground can be slippery.  So we had the entire mountain to ourselves.

We hiked up to see Arethusa Falls in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  We took our time and were very careful.  The trees were an excellent canopy over head, so the rocks, logs, leaves, and ground weren't slippery at all.

As we were climbing, everyone was teasing me by saying, "Look, God must have put these here.  How thoughtful!"  I'm always giving Aquinas' argument of a priori arrangement of the universe, hence the teasing.  There were obviously man made steps and climbing aids, along the trail.

It was a three mile round trip climb.  It's approx. 200' high.  The trail climb was moderately steady at a nice grade.  The view was sweeping.  I want to say awesome because to me it is positive proof that there is a God.  Nature itself is awesome.

Arethusa was  named from the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem about the Greek nymph Arethusa who was turned into a fountain to avoid the love of the river god, Alpheus.  See even earlier civilizations acknowledge the divine, even if their theology was different than ours.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...