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Monday, September 2, 2013

Keys to the Kingdom

It was a crazy day.  When I went to Mass this morning, the church was all locked up. I go about 45 minutes before Mass because a group of us pray the Rosary.  I waited and waited.  One other car drove up beside me and a man rolled down the window and barked, "What happened to Mass?"  He didn't even wait for a conversation; he drove off in a huff.  After awhile, I drove around the church to the other side.  There were quite a few cars there.  Every once in awhile, someone would go up to the church doors and shake the handle.

What did they think?  The person perform them was pretending that the door was locked.  Someone went over to the rectory and that was all locked up.

It was a funny scene.  People in their cars staring at the church doors.  I could see that some people, like myself, were fingering their rosaries.

When I finished praying my rosary, I took off.  I never did find out what happened.  It is Labor Day.  Maybe the priest took the day off.

God bless him.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...