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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Who Did This?

It has always annoyed me to no end, that most people ask the question: "Who did this?"  I've worked in many jobs in which the boss would FIRST ask, "Who did this?"  Pray tell, how does that solve the problem?  Knowing the name of the person who made the mistake, how does that solve the problem?  Punishing the person who erred, how does that solve the problem?

Why isn't the first question, "How do we fix this,"?  It looks like Rene Girard's scapegoating theory is correct.  People need someone to blame.  Girard posits that people need to blame somebody or something for happenstances that go wrong.  I'm sad to say I think he's correct.  Dictators are perfect examples of this.  Once the scapegoat is identified, the people have something to unite over--punish the scapegoat.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, I see this scapegoating, all the time, e.i., it's the president's fault, it's China's fault, it's the drug companies fault, it's hoarding, it's people not social distancing, etc..

STOP! Stop blaming and focus on the problem.

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