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Thursday, April 2, 2020

It's Called Community

Sooner or later most people learn that the sun doesn't revolve around them.  One sign of adulthood is the understanding that you have responsibilities.  The adult will accept them.  The child will shirk them. 
    My husband accepted the responsibilities of supporting a family at 18, when his father died. I accepted the responsibility of being a mother.  When my parents became old and dependent, I accepted the responsibility of being a caretaker.  And we accepted these responsibilities freely because we loved the people that needed us.

This is nature's way.  Do you think that's the purpose of life?  To give our lives over to others?  That we all take care of each other?

Look at people during this Covid-19 pandemic.  Many have called, not including family, to see if I'm okay and/or need anything.  I have done likewise.  The town has a list of resources and phone numbers.  The Senior Center calls to check up on me.  The church sends out weekly messages and has a list of resources.  My primary care physician called to make sure I stay home!

I love my town.

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