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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Snippets A Catholic Carnival

First this week's question, asked by RAnn, who is the host of Sunday Snippets A Catholic Carnival.  My favorite religious holiday recipe is mimosa, which comes from Catholic Cuisine.  This is a wonderfully informative, and delicious blog about cooking religiously.  And mimosa is a drink, made with champagne and orange toast.  On the feast of St. Dominic, my Lay Dominican friends and I, toast to St. Dominic with mimosas.

Why oranges and St. Dominic?  Legend has it that Saint Dominic planted an orange tree in Santa Sabina priory.  The tree is still there.  So if you eat from that tree, you are eating a third class relic (just kidding).

My Sunday Snippets from the week include:

Monday --  going to a Mass celebrated by a Primitive Franciscan.

Tuesday -- I meditated upon heaven.

Wednesday -- a book review.

Thursday and Friday -- Family Celebrations

Saturday -- I wrote about Blessed Henry Suso.

Why don't you click over to RAnn's and read some others' blogs?  You will be entertained.

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  LECTIO:                                          1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, a...