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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Snippets and a Catholic Carnival Around My House

According to my hubby, our house is a religious shrine.  He's threatened to toss everything out, if I bring in one more religious artifact.

So I've learned discretionary tactics.  What do you think?

Up the Sidewalk to my front door.
First thing you see.
Irish monk--there's two.
Beside my rocking chair.

Kitchen Garden Window.

Outside on the porch.

On the kitchen Stove

Dining Room

My favorite bookcase.

Above our bed.

On my bureau.

St. Dominic

Computer Room--Cursillo Poster

Computer Room -- Cursillo Poster

Computer Room

Computer Room -- Cursillo Poster

 Does my home look like a Catholic Carnival?  Good.  I like it like that; besides, I live here, too.  This week I'm connecting to RAnn's Sunday Snippets, to tell everyone about what I posted, this past week.

Monday -- This was the Feast of St. Martin of Tours.  I wrote about his death.

Tuesday -- My take on the New Evangelization.

Wednesday -- I posted a You Tube video of the first talk, at Magnificat Day in Philadelphia.

Thursday -- An appeal for blogger, Tom Peters.

Friday --  It was the Feast of St. Albert the Great.

Saturday --  I wrote a funny short story.

It was a good week.  Why don't you head over to RAnn's This n' That n' The Other Thing and see what my friends posted?

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...