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Friday, November 22, 2013


 I'm still fixated on yesterday's mood.  Not the bad stuff, but how the feeling turned around.  It was not an immediate revolution, because I remember being tempted to snap back at a fellow hiker's cheerful ejaculation, "What perfect weather!"

As my feet pounded the rocky climb I argued with myself, "Why am I upset over such an innocent remark?"  My internal reasoning process decided that it was because my friend assumed that everyone in the world would assert her pronouncement of what the perfect weather should be.  It was a closed ended exclamation.

Closed ended discussions begin with a statement, exclamation or a question --usually delivered with a strongly affirmative tone, such as, “Who will you vote for in this election?”  Open ended statements and questions -- usually delivered without a judgmental tone, such as, “What do you think of the candidates in the upcoming election?”  

Hence, this brief essay on the perfect weather.

When someone comments, “I love this weather.  It’s so perfect; the temperature is in the 60’s; the sun is out; there’s a crisp, refreshing wind,” I feel an argument rising into my mouth.
Yes, I disagree.  My idea of perfect weather is hazy, hot, and humid.  I love the heat, sun, and the imposed laziness, such weather requires.  But when I examine my emotions, (after choking back a brutal retort,  “Perfect weather for bacteria!”), it’s not the words, per se, but the close ended statement, that I object to. 

It’s an innocuous subject, the weather.  Why do people have to pontificate their preferences so positively!

I suppose, a better question would be, why do I react with such vehemence to other people’s preferences?  I suppose the answer would be because of their reaction to my own preference.

Am I driving you as crazy as I’m driving myself?

Maybe I’m just grouchy because I’m feeling "under the weather"?

 Lest, you think I’m just a "fair weather friend," I think I’ll just have to accept that people are people, and the weather affects everybody.  And what’s perfect for one is not perfect for another.  The sun shines and the rain comes down, regardless of our preferences.


This ridiculous self dialogue broke that black cloud over my head.  I started to see the sun, the happy faces of my fellow hikers, and I could appreciate my surroundings.  Better, I was thankful for my life, and all that God has put in it.  

Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this ...