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Monday, February 11, 2013

What Are You Giving Up for Lent?

Since the purpose of "Giving Up" for Lent is to show to yourself, that you have a dependence on something, other than God.  Or look at it as Lent is to prove to yourself that you aren't hooked on anything, other than God.

For many years now, I've given up sugar and cream, in my coffee.  This is very hard.  The first year, a tablespoon of black coffee a day, was all I could manage.  But I persevered and had that tablespoon, every day.  Now I drink a full mug, black.  Since I can drink it black, and since I've tasted horrible tasting coffee, here and there, I kind of pride myself on the fact, that I can drink anything.  It's not my preference, to have black coffee, however.  During Lent, I prove to myself, and God, that I can do it for Him.

This year, I've decided to make myself go to bed at ten.  This is hard.  I usually go to bed between 11-12.  And since I know I'll be awake and tossing and turning, you know what I'm going to do?  I'm going to pray.  I think this is perfect.  Proving that I can go to bed at ten, and add prayer.  Why waste time tossing and turning when I can get some good prayer time in.

What are you giving up for Lent?

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