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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 2 Novena to find Work

 This novena isn't only for the unemployed.  It's also for the underemployed, and those unhappy in their present employment.

Take heart.  There's a better world in store for you.  It is only the malice of God's enemies that is preventing you from having a worthwhile vocation.  Believe that God holds you secure in His hands; He loves you; He wants what's best for you.  Never lose hope.

                                                  Day Two

Work is Prayer
Carrying that thought further, looking for work can be prayer.  Today is going to be soul searching.  Sometime today, go to the library.  Go to the magazine section.  Peruse ten magazines by being attracted by their covers.  Flip through the pages.  Look at the table of contents.  Pick ten and go sit down in the reading room.  Spread the ten magazines in front of you.  Take note of their subject matter.  Do they all have the same theme?  Does the majority?  Guess what?  This is the type of work you should be involved in.   Certain things attracted you to these magazines.  This is what interests you, i,.e., outdoors, children, clothes, finance, literary works, religion, etc.  You need to find work in this area.
      Throw up an ejaculatory prayer for this revelation.  "Thank you Lord, for the grace of knowing myself."  
       Enough for today.  On your way home from the library, stop in your church, and spend some time in front of the tabernacle, dreaming of your dream job.

Through the intercession of St. Joseph I ask for work that will bring me close to You, My Lord.  I pray that the work be enough to provide for those who depend on me.  I only ask to serve You, Lord, and to feel secure in Your Love.  

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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