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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Canute Anecdote

Coin with Canute image
Canute (Cnut) (?994-1035) was king of Denmark, Norway, England, and Sweden.  It has been said that he was the most effective king in Anglo Saxon history, in spite of not being Anglo Saxon.

I like this story about him.  He was truly a humble man.  By that I mean that he was a gifted leader and acknowledged his gifts.  In addition, he also acknowledged his shortcomings.  The story relates how Canute rebuked the flattery of his retainers.  Tiring of their extravagant praises of his greatness, he brought everybody down to the seashore, with his throne chair.  He ordered his chair to be set at the edge of the water, as the waves came in.  Canute then commanded the waves to not come in and wet him.  The incoming tide did not obey.  When Canute was thoroughly soaked, he took off his king's                  crown and never wore it again.  Instead, he hung it upon a statue of the crucified Christ.

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