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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 3 Novena to find Work

Take heart.  There's a better world in store for you.  It is only the malice of God's enemies that is preventing you from having a worthwhile vocation.  Believe that God holds you secure in His hands; He loves you; He wants what's best for you.  Never lose hope.

Day Three

Work is Prayer
Today we will continue the soul searching.  Spend some time in front of the tabernacle, today, and bring some paper and something to write with.  Yesterday, you realized what you were interested in.  Today I want you to write down what's important to you.  Family, job satisfaction, church, private time, travel/no traveling, prestige, uniform/no uniform, money, and anything else you deem important to yourself.  

    Number them in order of importance to you.

Think of yesterday's exercise and look at today's list.  Can the be integrated?  I'm thinking of yesterday's interest in airplanes and today's list, putting no travel up pretty high.  Or, yesterday's interest in politics, and today's "family", is it possible to combine those two--at this time of your life?

Do you see what I'm getting at?  You really need to put today's list of what's important above yesterday's dream job.  Otherwise, your dream job will eventually tear you down, slowly.  It's what you want, versus what you need. 
I offer you some consolation.  If you have discerned that your dream job is out of the question, then turn it into a hobby.  Somehow stay connected with it.  Someday, today's needs will have changed, and then you can pursue your dream.
Changing your mind is not only a woman's prerogative; it's a human one.  Your dream jobs, like your needs, change.
I'm telling you to meet your needs, first.  Find a job that can meet what you and your family need.  Many do find both their dream job and also fulfill their needs.  God bless them.  Many have to do what needs to be done.  May God bless them more, because they are doing what Jesus taught them to do--sacrifice.  Take heart, however, situations change.  That's life.

Just because you take a job that does not meet your needs, doesn't mean you're stuck there forever.  Keep searching.  You do what you have to do, and keep looking.  Never lose hope.

Through the intercession of St. Joseph I ask for work that will bring me close to You, My Lord.  I pray that the work be enough to provide for those who depend on me.  I only ask to serve You, Lord, and to feel secure in Your Love.  

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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