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Monday, February 25, 2013

The Demise of the Rosary Angel

The time has come.  All good things must come to an end.  There's a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3).  The Rosary Angel is gone.

The secret can come out now.  I am/was the Rosary Angel.  You see quite a while ago, on the table near the church exit were two boxes.  One was labeled "Broken Rosaries."  The other was labeled "Fixed Rosaries."  The first box had instructions directing people to put their name on their rosaries, so when they were fixed, they'd get them back.

For a little while, this worked well.  Then after time, I noticed that the box for "Broken Rosaries" wasn't being picked up.  So I took them and fixed them.  I never told anyone.  You're the first to know.

In fact, the person whose idea started the projec,t owned a bead store.  I don't know why she stopped fixing the rosaries, but she did.  I just continued and she got the credit.  I had heard people talking about whom the Rosary Angel was, and I'd get a kick out of their assumption, when the Rosary Angel was standing in their midst.

Over time, one of the boxes disappeared.  The "Broken Rosaries'" box must have been thrown away.  I suspect the Legion of Mary.  Their stuff had taken over the surface of the table.  I bet they just decided that the Rosary Angel didn't need two boxes.

So be it.  Then along comes the day when the inside of the church was painted.  It looks beautiful by the way.  The table where the rosary box sat, was moved out of the way. And now that the table is back, the box is gone.  It's nowhere in sight.

I have several suspects, but I can't accuse anyone without revealing my secret identity.  So I'm just interpreting this destructive act, as God's Will.  It's time for the Rosary Angel to retire.

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