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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 5 Novena to Find Work

Take heart.  There's a better world in store for you.  It is only the malice of God's enemies that is preventing you from having a worthwhile vocation.  Believe that God holds you secure in His hands; He loves you; He wants what's best for you.  Never lose hope.

                                         Day Five
Work is Prayer
Hope you're still smiling, because today you'll be using it.  We're networking, today.  Most people are embarrassed that they don't have a job.  Don't be.  The more people that know, the better.  People like to help.  I know men have difficulty asking for help, but you'll just have to push yourself.  

Networking is a social activity.  You need to go down to your local Office of Employment Security and speak to somebody.  This is where lucky people pick up their unemployment check.  But it's also a place to find a job.  Talk to a counselor there.  Read the bulletin boards.  Sometimes "job fairs" are listed.  Newspaper classifies will have job events, sometimes.  And if you've spread the word that you're looking for work, people will refer you to job fairs, if not even better--jobs.

Besides telling friends that you're looking for work, tell relatives, former classmates, former work mates.  Did you apply to your former employer's competitors?  Go to job agencies.

Join Linkedin,, monster, etc..  On my own margin, on the bottom right, click  Maybe your networking will give you more places.

Advertise in your parish bulletin that you're forming a job search support group.  There people get together to share ideas.  They tweet each other with suggestions, how an interview went, and other ideas.  And since this is a parish organisation, pray for each other.

Through the intercession of St. Joseph I ask for work that will bring me close to You, My Lord.  I pray that the work be enough to provide for those who depend on me.  I only ask to serve You, Lord, and to feel secure in Your Love.  
Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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