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Saturday, February 9, 2013

$ 500 or a Year in Prison

Due to the blizzard, Feb. 8, Governor Deval Patrick declared a state of emergency and closed all the streets at 4:00 PM and posted a fine of $ 500, or a year in prison, for violating the ban.  Hence, I’m stuck at home.  Fortunately, the electricity has not gone out and the television and computer are still operating.

In checking my email and Facebook, some friends were discussing the penalty for violating the emergency ban.  Joking, it was commented that perhaps being in prison wouldn't be so bad; they’d get some writing accomplished. 

 Mmmm, what would my “cloistered brothers” think about that.  Writing?  Pencils and pens aren't that readily available in prison.  Were they thinking of using a computer—in prison?  You would be lucky to be able to think.  There’s a constant din of noise; it’s not a hotel with privacy doors.  Would you like to use the toilet in your cell? Actually, that’s the only available seat.   Do you want a desk lamp?  Get real!  The lighting depends on where your cell is.  The overhead lighting in the halls and corridors are it.  Deal with it.

Yet, St. Paul managed to do quite a bit of writing, in prison.  And his writing was filled with hope and joy.  I’m sure there were deprivations, but Paul never mentions them.  His sufferings added depth to his words.  His chains were part of his apostleship. 

Others have done likewise.  Remember the religious sisters jailed for demonstrating against the US Army School of the Americas.  Their arrest, their diaries, and the publicity surrounding their imprisonment allowed their message to get out further than they thought it ever would.

Is the idea of getting their writing more publicity, enticement enough to want to risk prison?  Not, for violation of an emergency ban.  There’s no honor in that.  Better to book a weekend at an inn.  Do your writing in quiet with accommodating surroundings.  St. Paul says:

Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.  May no temptations take hold of you but such as man is equal to.  God is faithful and will not permit you to be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also give you a way out that you may be able to bear it.  (1Cor. 10:12-13)

Who Watches the Watchers

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