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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Women in the Ming Dynasty

 Lisa See's novel, Lady Tan's Circle of Women, is historical fiction.  There was a female doctor, Tan Yunxian, who lived during the Ming era (15th century).  Not much is known about her, except that she was a doctor and wrote a book.  To do that in an era when women weren't supposed to be educated is more than remarkable.  

  Yunxian was upper class and taught to read because mothers were required to teach their children to read and write.  Her class of women also bound their feet.  The author had Yunxian's mother die from an infection from improperly bound feet that were not treated for infection properly.  This was not uncommon. The men thought bound feet attractive.  Supposedly, they looked like flowers.

Yunxian also never left her natal home until she married and then she never left her husband's home.  Lisa See has Yunxian leave a few times for story development, but you get the idea.

Women existed to bear sons.  Men existed to sire sons.  Their marriages were arranged and if you were rich you could have more than one wife and also concubines.

Male doctors were not allowed to touch women.  Women doctors took care of women but they were not allowed to deliver babies or do anything gynecological.  There were midwives who touch the bloody parts and delivered babies.  The women and male doctors looked down on the midwives because they did dirty work, working with blood.

Yunxian's grandmother was a wise doctor.  Her skill was passed down in her family, mother to daughter. Yunxian's grandfather was also a doctor, but he was educated by school and tutors.  They complemented and learned from each other, and Yunxian benefitted from both.  Grandmother also encouraged Yunxian to befriend the daughter of a midwife.  They did exactly this and became friends for life.  They also complemented their learning and personalities.

Lisa See did an incredible research job on the history of women in China during this time.  Her research, combined with her writing talent, has created an enjoyable book.

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