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Friday, October 27, 2023

Better the Second Time Around

 Michael Casey's Sacred Reading/The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina is a "how to do" Lectio Divina.  This is the second time I've read it.  I don't often read books twice, but when I do, I underline in different colored inks.  If you were to look at this book, Sacred Reading, you would see that the pencil underlined sections (as opposed to the first time reading's ink) by far outnumber the first time's read.  

The first time I read the book, I didn't know anything about Lectio Divina, and this book was an introduction.  I don't remember being impressed with the book or learning anything.  I must have though because I persisted in trying Lectio Divina.

Since then, I taught Lectio Divina to a parish's adult faith formation.  I essentially showed videos explaining the steps. Then along came the Order of Preacher's 800th anniversary and I contributed to their Lectio Divina Project. We participants were taught the usual steps: Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio, with one more step that was very Dominican--Studium.  I loved this step.  Studium explained many questions.  Finally, somewhere along the way, I was taught to add a final step--Resolutio.  This made sense.  What could is praying if it doesn't change you?  Lectio Divina is praying while reading.

The author, Michael Casey recommends reading the scriptures and church fathers.  This makes more sense than sitting in a lotus position and humming.  We should get as close as we can to praying as Jesus taught his disciples.  Casey lists books to read, as well as his personal reading lists.  Plus, his notes are just as interesting as the book, itself.

I'm glad I re-read this book.  It has helped me tremendously.  I do recommend it.


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