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Friday, October 13, 2023

A Florilegium

 A florilegium is a notebook, or journal, or collection of verses that you want to remember.  A notebook of "bon mots," so to speak.

I have done this all my life.  Whenever, I have encountered something beautifully written, or something I wish I had said, or just something I want to remember, I've written it down.  A florilegium is for spiritual texts that you want to meditate more on.  Whereas my notebooks have everything from "come backs" to spiritual thoughts.  

Every once in a while, I enjoy reading through them.  These are written mindfully and represent an act of enjoyment, appreciation, if not homage, to the text.  What can I say, I enjoy written expression.

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 In Luke 1:5-25, we see Zechariah doubting the message the angel, the Lord sent.  I always felt this was unfair because Mary doubts also, ...