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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Let Us Pray

 My friends and I regularly pass books on, among us. The pope's new book, "Let Us Dream," is one such book. I was given this book today and in just flipping the pages to see how many pages, chapters, and if there were any pictures, I found this prayer used as a bookmark. If ever a prayer cried out to be prayed, it is this one. Join me, please.

Heavenly Father,
Help us to remember all those in need this day,
Help us to think of the other, praying for their safety, both physically, financially, mentally, and spiritually.
In this time of need show us, Your grace.
Help us to come together and support our parishes and all those that need our prayers and support.
God in Your Goodness, You are the maker and giver of all, shower us with Your Grace,
Bring us together in mind and spirit at a time when we cannot be together in Your Holy Church.
Unite us, bring us hope, but most of all, help us to remember You.
In Your beloves Son's name, Jesus, we pray.

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