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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Before My Time

Being from Greater Lawrence (Methuen) I found this article in the Pilot very interesting. It is about the textile workers striking in Lawrence.  I also was a history major and when the subject of these strikers came up, my mother didn't recall anything.  And she worked in a paper mill.  My father worked in the textile mills.  But I couldn't converse with him, he was always drunk, which is why he was out of work more often than not.  I didn't think of asking Auntie, (my mother's aunt, my great aunt), who definitely would have remembered, but alas, I never learned Lithuanian.  So I found the article very interesting.

Note how mobs turned violent and the name-calling sounds like what some call the people who stormed the Capitol building.  Note also how the church aligned itself with the owners who donated money to build a school.  That reminds me of Central and South America where the church is accused of aligning with the rich.

History does repeat itself.

Photo from The Pilot The Arlington Cotton Mills, Lawrence, Massachusetts From A 1907 Postcard Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

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