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Friday, January 22, 2021

Are You A Hypocrite?

 David Wanat's post on his blog "If I Might Interject" tackles the subject of partisanship.  He is specifically writing about one's behavior during the Trump Administration.  The danger is failing to recognize that one’s own side has immoral planks and failing to stand up to them. We tend to treat those failings as “unimportant.” We might use evasive language to make it sound like we care about those issues while neither saying nor doing anything meaningful about them. Instead, we focus on the issues the other side fails on, elevating them to unforgiveable sins while we “criticize” our own side by “praising with faint damns.”

Why does it have to be all or nothing?  I'm right; you're wrong.  In thinking one is the arbiter of morality and the other side is the enemy, one is claiming to be God--all righteous, all-knowing, perfect.

Everybody needs to back away from politics.  Let's give it up for Lent.  

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