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Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Blessing of Herbs on the Feast of the Assumption



The Blessing of Herbs on the Feast of the Assumption: According to a fairly ancient tradition, which St. John Damascene (among others) attests in the 8th century, when it came time for the Virgin to die, all the apostles came from all over to be with her.  All except, Thomas!  My mother must have been related to Thomas because the two of them were always late.  Thomas missed seeing Jesus with the other apostles and he missed the Wake and Funeral of Mary because he arrived too late.

Mary was laid to rest in the Garden of Gethsemani.  When Thomas finally arrived, he wanted to pay his respects and look upon her body.  But when all the apostles arrived at Mary's grave, a sweet aroma arose. Upon opening the tomb, Mary was gone.  In her place were flowers!

One legend has said that music was heard, also.

But don't miss the point.  Her body was gone!!!!!!!!!

With this legend in mind, some parishes bless herbs on this day.  Since I am the only one around to appreciate this fact, I'm going to pray in my herb garden with Mary. 

Please click on the link above to the blog, New Liturgical Movement to get a much better explanation of the Blessing of the Herbs.

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