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Sunday, August 30, 2020
Reading is Better the Second Time Around
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Only Compete With Yourself
There're others who are better at sports than you, or better at school, or better at cooking, or better .... Why do we always have to compete with others? Everyone seems driven by competition. I don't think this mentality is healthy. Someone will always be better. So what?
Don't waste your time competing against a brother or anyone. Just work at being your personal best; you can't do more than that. Besides, competition is a very worldly activity. What does it gain you to win a trophy, medal, or money, if you don't win the race to Jesus' home? Mark 8: 36.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Russo's Mom
"Elsewhere" by Richard Russo is a brutally honest review of his upbringing. His mother is the center and his life, then his wife's, and finally his children's all are affected by her.
Nothing could satisfy his mother. She wanted out of town but then she wanted to go back. She wanted to work but every job was unsatisfactory. She wanted friends but they weren't right for her.
Through it all, Richard Russo did the best he could. He had a life and family and tried to make it all work. It was impossible.
Later, after her death, he could see that she was mentally and emotionally ill. It probably ran in the family. At the time, however, going through it, you are caught up trying to keep afloat through the tumultuous cares of each day. You do the best you can. Many would have quit, but Russo isn't made that way. He is lovingly loyal and has faith that all things pass and things will get better.
I see Russo in his fictitious characters. I see Russo's hometown in his novels. I see an acknowledgment of the reality of situations with hopeful eyes looking ahead.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
One Dot.
There are those that say that Jesus never said anything
Need to read Luke 16: 16.
…it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for
dot of the law to become void.
Jesus does not negate the laws in the Old Testament, not
even the minute details!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Listening on O'Connell St.
Speaking of listening, I wrote this after I thought about all the times I put things on the long finger..... And about some people I met along the way I like to call the yes people ((+:.......for those of you Stateside the clock referred to is on O'Connell St in Dublin where couples would meet for a date or night out....I might have been there once or twice back in the day ((+: Anyway, here it goes :
listen, can you hear anything I say?
Or are you just nodding, hoping I'll go away?
I write I talk, I call on the phone
Telling you everything you need to know.
A few days later I call you back,
the first thing you say is,
Hey, " how's the craic " ?
I go on a visit to see an old pal,
Say's he, " now if you need anything,
I'm your man" !
So I take a chance and ask for something,
Sure wouldn't you know,
it all turned into nothing.
See you under the clock around eight,"
one of the lads tells his mate,
She stands in the rain till almost nine,
ah, Jasus she thinks, " was it eight or nine??
Hey, Mickey, sorry about your brother Blake,
I wished I made it to the wake.
Ah, you mustn't have listened to what I said,
He's gone on a trip with Club Med!!!
Missing and thinking of you all today
God's Peace,
Sunday, August 23, 2020
A Prisoner's Dream!
A Prisoner's Dream!
Yesterday I had a really nice email from my brother telling me about the funeral service for my mother at Glassnevin Cemetery back in Dublin Ireland. I was sad; I wasn't there once again for a very special occasion but then I thought about a poem I wrote years ago that reminded me of things we did together.....for those of you in the states.... The Church on the hill would be my local parish where I went many many time with her, she love The Mount and would tell me stories about it long before it was our parish Church of Mount Argus, you can check it out on the Google thing its a pretty cool place. Stephen's Green is also a place I went with her as a kid sometimes to feed the Ducks and Swans.....I think its easy to forget we were all innocent kids one time until someone is gone, but isn't in nice to remember the good times when that sadness comes your way!!O' how lonesome I feel when I'm far far from home,When nighttime comes foundIts there that I roam.I see all the placesWhere my feet often trodPast the Church on the hillI gaze at the cross. "What's that there !"I say in my dream, As hundreds of peopleStroll about Stephen's Green.Closer and closer, I can't make it outJust a minute, I can see it, its coming to me now.All of a suddenThe lights flash on.I hear "Stand For Count"And my dreams are all gone!I open my eyes , as my feet hit the floor,Another night overI'm dreaming no more.Love and Prayers to you allGod's Peace(Jazzer)
Mt. Argus, Dublin, Ireland
Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, August 22, 2020
God's Gifts are for Others
This is really historical fiction. Ta-Nehisi Coates was inspired by the real-life saga of William and Peter Still and their family. It is written for the point of a slave, which is referred to as Tasked. The slave owners were called Quality and their slaves were called the Tasked. In "The Water Dancer," the main character is Hiram. His mother was taken away when he was a child. His father was the plantation owner. Eventually, Hiram was called up to live in the plantation house to be an influence on his owner's son. This son is Hiram's brother. Eventually, the Quality Son dies. Hiram wants to run away to the Undergrown RailRoad. How he does that is the plot and it's an exciting, harrowing, and strange story.
Hiram has special gifts, which the plot dances with, which really is the story. How Hiram works is worth learning. It is different and enjoyable.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Judge not, till you achieve perfection,
For your sins do not escape GOD's detection,
Love all your brothers, cast no rejection,
Entrance to Heaven is only by GOD's selection,
Forgiveness of trespasses is no easy task,
For His guidance and courage you need to ask,
When at His table, you can wear no mask,
seated, in His glory and love you shall bask,
Place yourself before no one, lest you become last,
Repay harm with kindness, for this is chaste,
In GOD's kingdom, no blame shall be cast,
All sins forgiven,
All transgressions past,
We struggle to conquer anger and hate,
Unchecked and rapid misery it creates,
Until in Heaven where all will be safe,
We can but strive to live in His faith.
"cloistered brother"
Mirrors of Mercy, Bethany House,2016, p. 46.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The People at Mass
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Defining Love
The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis looks at Affection, Friendship, Eros, and Charity. They are all about love but centered differently.
Affection--parent for child
Friendship--person for another person,
Eros--lust, desire,
Charity--love from God
Lewis spends a chapter explaining each kind of love. I was amazed because I never looked at "love" in categories.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Lesson Plans
Religious Education is expensive, at least in my parish. I'm paying almost $200 for 2 children!!! I think religious education should be free. The parish should support their own future!
Anyway, I also plan to supplement the parish religious formation with my own catechesis. I've ordered a children's bible, a Mass book, a book to go along with an on-line Catholic children's curriculum.
The USCCB is useless. The religious education promotes a voting guide. I'm looking for children who don't vote!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I found the Catholic Tool Box. I've wasted my money! I should have come to this site, first. It has crafts, stories, games, ideas, and links to other sites with even more stuff! Now I'm excited about teaching.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
The Blessing of Herbs on the Feast of the Assumption
Mary was laid to rest in the Garden of Gethsemani. When Thomas finally arrived, he wanted to pay his respects and look upon her body. But when all the apostles arrived at Mary's grave, a sweet aroma arose. Upon opening the tomb, Mary was gone. In her place were flowers!
One legend has said that music was heard, also.
But don't miss the point. Her body was gone!!!!!!!!!
With this legend in mind, some parishes bless herbs on this day. Since I am the only one around to appreciate this fact, I'm going to pray in my herb garden with Mary.
Please click on the link above to the blog, New Liturgical Movement to get a much better explanation of the Blessing of the Herbs.
Friday, August 14, 2020
First Timer
Danger, Fear!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strip down, put on prison grey.
Down the corridor. Clank of the iron door. Turn right.
Given 6 National Geographic Magazines,
the inmate says to put them in my waistband.
Mind going every which way.
Eyes can't be still either.
Heart pounding....MAN UP!
Walk in the room.
Do I hear laughing?
New fish.
New bitch.
Where you from?
How much time you got?
Prey and predator circle me.
Shank appears---I feel pressure.
The point has pierced a Nat Geo.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Two Creations
Last night during the Rosary, someone happened to mention the two creation stories. To me it's not two different stories; it's two points of view. Let's say an accident happened. One says a car came careening down the street and crashed into a house. And describing the same accident, another says, "John Smith's car was going too fast down Main Street and couldn't take the curve safely and drove across the Brown's front lawn and right into their living room.
The first story of creation is Genesis 1: 1-2:3. Tells how God created the universe and topped off His work with creating man.
The second creation story is Genesis 2: 4-3:24. Tells the relationship of man and woman to the rest of God's creation.
The scholars that put the Bible together noticed different styles of writing, vocabulary, grammar, and sources. It was concluded that different authors must have contributed to the formation of the scriptures. They are the Yahwist, Elohist, Priestly, and Deuteronomic traditions. They each relate their stories from their traditions. This accounts for different representations.
Genesis is not historically factual. You could call it a saga, a folk tale, and even myth. It is a picture of the Israelites' relationship with God. It definitely gives us a picture of God.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Ignoring Insults
GospelMT 15:21-28
At that time, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out,
“Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David!
My daughter is tormented by a demon.”
But Jesus did not say a word in answer to her.
Jesus’ disciples came and asked him,
“Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.”
He said in reply,
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
But the woman came and did Jesus homage, saying, “Lord, help me.”
He said in reply,
“It is not right to take the food of the children
and throw it to the dogs.”
She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps
that fall from the table of their masters.”
Then Jesus said to her in reply,
“O woman, great is your faith!
Let it be done for you as you wish.”
And the woman’s daughter was healed from that hour.
I remember learning in a customer service workshop that to diffuse an angry customer, you agree with them. It throws them off guard. They didn't expect you to agree; they expected an argument. While the customer is processing the fact that you agree with them, you state your case. The customer is hearing you and is now ready to discuss the problem.
This is exactly what the Canaanite woman did. She had tried telling her problem to the disciples so much so that she had become a pest. "Send her away..."
In her desperation, she turned to Jesus. For some reason, He wasn't in a sympathetic mood, especially from a foreigner and someone who was annoying His disciples.
She ignored His insulting words, "...dogs." She agreed with His insult; she really was desperate, "...even the dogs eat the scraps..." She humbled herself and cries out "Lord," three times!
Jesus heard her plea and had mercy.
I need the faith, perseverance, and articulation, that the Canaanite woman shows. This story tells me that Jesus came not only for the chosen people, the Jews but also all people.
Lord, this story gives me hope that maybe I can wear You down. I sometimes think of myself as a pest and You know what I want even before I ask it. But if You can throw me some scrapes from Your table, I will be satisfied.
"Lord, Son of David, have pity on me."
I must never giver. Lord bless me with the faith of this Canaanite mother.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
God is Not Immutable
Do you want to tie yourself up in knots? God knows all. He is omniscient. Then why are there incidents in scripture where it seems that God changed His mind? Jonah 3: 9-10, Genesis 6: 6-7, Jerimiah 18:8
He doesn't change His mind when He knew He was going to do that in the end. He just allowed it to take its course. Sometimes God wants us to learn heuristically. Anyway, to question God is useless. You won't know the answer until you see Him.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Interpretive Development
I just finished Larry McMurtry's
Texasville.What do I think? I dunno. At first, I thought it was funny but it got tiresome. Everyone has brats for kids. Everyone is bankrupt. Everyone is having sex with everyone else. It's satire. It's irony. It's hyperbolic. It's funny until it's sad.
Sign of Jonah
"Sign of Jonah" means different things to people. The first time I heard it was a movie. The setting was the ocean and a sailor that was bad luck was called a "Jonah." No one wanted him aboard. So I thought being called a "Jonah" was a bad thing.
When my spiritual director, Father Aquinas, introduced me to a Brother Jonah I was surprised. "Brother Bad Luck?" I often wondered why he chose or was given that name, but never had the opportunity to ask.
This morning I started reading the Book of Jonah and learned that Jonah was not bad luck. In fact, when the storm was tossing the ship around, the sailors started praying to their different gods. They were covering all the bases. Some god must be able to help. The only person aboard who wasn't praying was Jonah, who was asleep. They woke him up. When the sailors told Jonah that they were praying to all the gods they could think of and that he (Jonah) better pray to his God. Well, Jonah didn't want to do that because he was running away from God.
So Jonah had to tell the crew what he had done. God had given him a task and he didn't want to do it and he was running as far as he could--away from God. He certainly didn't want to appeal to God, for anything. God would be angry at Jonah for running away. It would be better for Jonah to die; so he told the sailors to throw him into the sea to appease God.
They did and the sea immediately calmed. The sailors were awed. They were impressed with Jonah's God's power. They now believed.
This is the first example of evangelizing the Gentiles.
This shows that God's justice is not ours. Jonah doesn't die, even though he disobeyed God.
The rest of Jonah's story shows the Ninevites repenting, which Jonah didn't like but God is the God of all, not just the Israelites.
note Jonah's free will. He first refuses to obey. Then he refuses to acknowledge God's mercy to the Ninevites. To the very end, Jonah retains the freedom to choose.Solitude = Listening
St. Dominic's last way of prayer was walking alone. It's when you are alone that you pay attention to your surroundings, whether they be of nature or the quiet of a room. Walking by himself is when the Catholic convert, Roy Shoeman heard God. He didn't understand at first. It was only when he literally met Mary, that he was gobsmacked. Experiences like Roy's is what all parents hope their fallen away children will have.
Anyway, back to St. Dominic, he only thought of God and when he walked alone and he walked all over Europe, is when he conversed with God best. When you are alone is when you can hear Him.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
St. Dominic's Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina was St. Dominic's eighth way of prayer. He loved to read and talk to God as he read. This is my favorite way of praying, also.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
This Is Why St. Dominic Is Given Credit for the Holy Rosary | Catholic Link
A Shooting Star
Crucified with St. Dominic

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
The Great I AM
Image from Bible Series
…When He said to them “I Am,”
they turned away and fell to the ground.
John 18: 6
The Jesus we love and worship is so powerful that there is
no force that is stronger than He. John
18: 3 tells us that Judas took Pharisees, guards and soldiers with lanterns,
torches and weapons to arrest Jesus. Yet
when Jesus told them His name, I AM[1],
the force of the name of God caused them to fall back.
Do you think those men could have taken Jesus if He didn’t
allow them to? He did nothing except say
His name and everyone was knocked to the ground. And think further to Jesus crucifixion. Jesus willingly submitted to the trial and
cross because He knew that it was all a part of the Father’s plan for our
Monday, August 3, 2020
Sunday, August 2, 2020
St. Dominic's Genuflections
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Separation and neutrality
Scourging Yourself
Granddaughter's Effort
My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio . So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...
My Lay Dominican Chapter, Our Lady of Mercy, has the best spiritual director. Today he gave us, what my "cloistered brothers" ca...
One of the most unattractive qualities of our human condition is our propensity to think the worst of the best of us. When someone is extre...