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Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Jesuits and the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Now that I've digested Leo XIII, Annum Sacrum and Pius XII, Haurietis Aquas, I read the letter Pope Benedict XVI wrote on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Haurietis Aquas. This letter reaffirms that this particular devotion hold importance in the lives of Christians. 
What interested me was that this letter was addressed to the Superior General of the Jesuits.  Why?  There are religious orders that arose to honor this particular devotion. The Fathers of the Sacred Heart, for one.  There are others.  Why was this letter addressed to the Jesuits?

After some google research, I learned that the Jesuits have been the historical custodians of the devotion to the Sacred Heart.  Also, in one of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque's visions, she mentions the Jesuits in particular, to spread the devotion.  Of course, Jesus' Sacred Heart is for all.

Today we need to draw closer to His Heart.  There are Divine treasures of grace bestowed on those who unite themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, come into our hearts!

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