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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Priestly Blessing for the Community

LECTIO: NM 6:22-27

The LORD said to Moses:
“Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them:
This is how you shall bless the Israelites.
Say to them:
The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon
you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and
give you peace!
So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites,
and I will bless them."


These are well-known blessings, used often.  They are the specific words of God's blessing that the priests are to say over the congregation. I like the last line best, "I will bless them."  Get that.  The priest says the words and God Himself does the blessing.
   This sums up God's design for the people--holiness and well-being.


May God, the source and origin of all blessing, grant you grace, pour out his blessing in abundance, and keep you safe from harm throughout the year. 


I pray to start and continue walking closer to Thee, my Beloved.




Once again!!!  Try to do the nine first Fridays.

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