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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Discovering Yourself

This was a quick read.  My Soul's Journey by Susan Berard-Goldberg is a true story of the author's experiences throughout her life. Sue talks about her intuitive feelings and her near-death experience or a paranormal experience.  Trying to figure out what was happening to her led her to study extrasensory perception, paranormal activity, and near-death experiences. She's got it whatever it is.  Is it a gift?  A blessing?

Her first experience was when she was engaged. She and her fiance were at a party and she had an astral projection.  It is hard to describe.  When you read the book you go through the event.

Another aspect of her life is how God has always guided her.  He puts people in her path, just when she needs them.  Deo Gratias!  She believes and she feels blessed.  This story is from the author's life from childhood.  Everyone can identify.


Covenant Books
1161 Hwy 707
MurrellsInlet, SC 29576

ISBN: 978-64559-459-8 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-64559-460-4 (Digital)



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