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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Do You Think They'll Come Back Next Year?

Today my parish had Lessons and Carols and quite a few non-Catholics attended.  How do I know?  Well, they didn't bless themselves when Father gave us a blessing but there was one other telling posture.  You see this choir loft in the picture.  It's in the back of the congregation.  That's how the acoustics in Catholic Churches are arranged.  The music and singing are not considered entertainment; they are part of the prayers of the Mass. 

The non-Catholics didn't know what was going on and wanted to turn around to watch, as if the Lessons and Carols were entertainment.  Lessons and Carols is a church service of scripture readings recounting the Fall, the Messianic promise, the Incarnation, and the commission to Evangelize spreading the Good News.  I guess some people thought it was a concert.

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