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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Priestly Blessing for the Community

LECTIO: NM 6:22-27

The LORD said to Moses:
“Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them:
This is how you shall bless the Israelites.
Say to them:
The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon
you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and
give you peace!
So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites,
and I will bless them."


These are well-known blessings, used often.  They are the specific words of God's blessing that the priests are to say over the congregation. I like the last line best, "I will bless them."  Get that.  The priest says the words and God Himself does the blessing.
   This sums up God's design for the people--holiness and well-being.


May God, the source and origin of all blessing, grant you grace, pour out his blessing in abundance, and keep you safe from harm throughout the year. 


I pray to start and continue walking closer to Thee, my Beloved.




Once again!!!  Try to do the nine first Fridays.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Divine Adoption


Brothers and sisters:
When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son,
born of a woman, born under the law,
to ransom those under the law,
so that we might receive adoption as sons.
As proof that you are sons,
God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
crying out, “Abba, Father!”
So you are no longer a slave but a son,
and if a son then also an heir, through God.


The "fullness of time" was Jesus' birth.  And He was born under the law emphasizes Jewish law.  Yet, this Messiah will free us from Original Sin.  We, although not Jewish are adopted. Paul uses "adopted" five times in the New Testament.  We are children through faith and Baptism. And we are so close to the Father that He gave us permission to call Him, "Abba, Father".  That's not all; we can now inherit the promises God gave to Israel.


...God sent his Son, born of a woman... makes Mary, the Mother of God!  How awesome is that!  Mary, a human being was God's instrument, considered the spouse of the Holy Spirit.  And remember in the Old Testament, it was the mother of the king who sat in the queen's chair.  It was the mother and not the wives of the king who was called "Queen."  Thus it is fitting to call Mary, Queen of Heaven."


Mary, Queen of Heaven, intercede for us.  Thank your King for our many blessings.


Hail Mary, full of grace, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.


I still, once again, will try to pray my rosary with more intentional focus.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Brother Tonto's Nine Ways of Prayer

Brother Tonto has two pets: a cat named Cappa and a dog named Canis.  Here they are demonstrating Brother Tonto's nine ways of prayer.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Password is Peace

COL 3:12-21

Brothers and sisters:
Put on, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved,
heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,
bearing with one another and forgiving one another,
if one has a grievance against another;
as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do.
And over all these put on love,
that is, the bond of perfection.
And let the peace of Christ control your hearts,
the peace into which you were also called in one body.
And be thankful.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another,
singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
with gratitude in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.  

Wives, be subordinate to your husbands,
as is proper in the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives,
and avoid any bitterness toward them.
Children, obey your parents in everything,
for this is pleasing to the Lord.
Fathers, do not provoke your children,
so they may not become discouraged.
Paul probably never visited, nor started, the church in Colossae. A native Colossian, Epaphras,  brought the Gospel to Colossae.  Somewhere, maybe Rome, Epaphras met Paul. There were many Jews in Colossae but the Colossian Church was mostly uncircumcised Gentiles.
Paul writes this letter to remind the church of their heritage.  Paul reiterates their friendship with God and accordingly, with each other.  The harmonious relationships within the family are stressed.  The pagan family held the father up as a tyrant.  The Christian family is different; it is tied together in peace and love.

May my prayers be as thankful and full of peaceful love as Paul's. 
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another,
singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
with gratitude in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.  


Lord, I pray that the world will be in true reconciliation with You. This is Your Will.


Shalom, Lord.  Shalom.


Take a deep breath and think peace before I talk.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Killing v. Murdering

Trailer for Open Range
This morning I watched Open Range.  This is a good cowboy movie made in 2003.  Kevin Costner is the impetus behind it.  There is violence, but how do you make a cowboy movie without a gunfight?

It's good guys against the bad guys.  The good guys are Boss, Charley, Mose, and Button.  The action begins when Mose is beaten up while in town.  Mose is a big guy and I have observed from my volunteering with "my cloistered brothers" that there's an inordinate number of big guys in prison. Another observation is that these big men are very gentle.  My theory is that small men (and I mean small self-esteem) deliberately pick on big guys to see if they can "take them."  Unfortunately, some end up dead and the big guy goes to prison.

Anyway, back on topic: to avenge Mose's assault, Boss and Charley go after the bad guys.  While they are away, more bad guys come and kill Mose, and leave Button for dead.

After burying Mose, Boss and Charley bring Button to a doctor in town.  This is where the action takes place.  There's the usual romance but that's not my subject.  During the inevitable "show down," Charley wounds one of the bad guys.  The bad guy tries to crawl away.  He has no weapon and is just an open target, lying on the ground.  Charley goes over to him and raises his gun to shoot him.  Boss says "Don't".

"Don't, because you're not a murderer."  Charley looks around at the carnage he caused in the shoot out.  Charley wonders what Boss is getting at.  He just killed all these bad guys.  Boss explains that the gunfight was kill or be killed--like war, but shooting a wounded unarmed man lying stretched out before you would be murder.

And Charley is not a murderer.  He turns around.

Interestingly, Boss is faced with the same situation.  However, while he also chooses not to be a murderer, he does so for maleficent reasons.  His opponent is also helpless in front of him, shot multiple times.  Boss takes out his gun and places it on the man's forehead.  But then he raises it and says, "No, I don't want to put you out of your misery.  I want you to suffer.  Bleed out."

What's the difference?  Intent.  Who's more culpable?

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Father Gordon Macrae's latest post on TSW is his Christmas card to us. LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT: A TSW CHRISTMAS CARD   This is my favorite part:

I am forced by circumstance to live in a place with men who are banished, not just from home and family and freedom, but too often also from hope. Some with even the darkest pasts have come into the light to thrill us with their stories of grace and true repentance and conversion. You have read of several in these pages and there are other stories yet to come. For some of these wounded men become saints, I am not fit to fasten their sandals.
We live East of Eden, a place from which the Magi of the Gospel saw a star and heard good news, the very best of news: Freedom can be found in only one place, and the way there is to follow the Star they followed. If you follow These Stone Walls, never follow me. Follow only Christ.
My Christmas card to you is this message, a tradition of sorts behind These Stone Walls. My small, barred cell window faces due West so my gaze is always out of the East. On this cold and gray December day, the sun will soon be setting behind the high prison wall, glistening upon its razor wire like tinsel. I sit in this spot every Christmas eve to watch its final descent behind the wall that is my view of the world at Christmas for the 21st time.
I offer this moment for you, for TSW readers the world over, and I offer for you this prayer, “Lead, Kindly Light,” my favorite verse from the newly canonized Saint John Henry Newman:
  • Lead, Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom,
    Lead Thou me on;
    The night is dark, and I am far from home;
    Lead Thou me on.
  • I was not ever thus,
    Nor prayed that Thou shouldst lead me on;
    I loved to choose and see my path,
    but now, Lead Thou me on.
  • I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
    Pride ruled my will: Remember not past years.
    So long Thy power hath blessed me,
    Sure it still will lead me on,
  • O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent,
    Til the night is gone,
    And with the morn those Angel faces smile,
    Which I have loved long since,
    and lost awhile.


Is tabernacling a word?  Bishop Robert Barron uses it in his last reflection, in his book, Advent Gospel Reflections:

...The Word becoming flesh is God coming to dwell definitely in his world, undoing the effects of sin, and turning it into what it was always meant to be.  Notice, too, what we see in the wake of this tabernacling: "and we saw his glory, the glory of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth."

Tabernacling begins with the Incarnation.  The Incarnation is when Jesus was conceived as man. The Incarnation is when He became One with us, mankind.  We are conceived within our mothers' wombs, as was He.  Jesus' Mother Mary became His tabernacle.  As a human being, Jesus what  all the scriptures said.  All those words became Jesus.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.

This is the tabernacling of Jesus.  His life among us. His saving us.  His redeeming us.  His glory.  Not only is this wondrous; it is life forever for us.

From His fullness we have all received, grace, life fulfilling grace.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Going Home on Christmas Eve

Please pray for Betty.  The first member of Argonauta, my book club, to die.  She died on Christmas Eve after an illness.  She loved angels.  

May the angels bring her home.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The New Life is Self-Controlled and Upright

LECTIO:                                                                                               Titus 2:11-15

For the grace of God our Savior has appeared to all men, instructing us, in order that, rejecting ungodliness and worldly lusts, we may live temperately and justly piously in this world; looking for the blessed hope and glorious coming of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity and cleanse for himself an acceptable people, pursuing good works.  Thus speak, and exhort, and rebuke, with all authority.  Let no one despise thee.

Titus is the person in charge of developing the church on the island of Crete (1:5). Titus is a Gentile Christian who accompanied Paul and Barnabas for a while. Here he is an administrator charged with faith formation.  Paul is telling Titus the type of persons needed for evangelization.  Good works are to be evidence of their faith (3:8) and they will be given the grace to carry on their work.


These verses sound like they might have been instructions at a baptism.  They are good instructions.  I was given this reading a few hours ago, to replace Hebrews 1:1-6.  It will be the second reading on Christmas Day.  When the pastor does this, it is because his homily addresses these verses.  Since it's Christmas, the church will be packed.  Many don't come to church, regularly, but they feel the need to do something special for Christmas.  They might not come regularly because of the current sex scandals.  If so, the last sentence is perfect: Let no one despise thee.


Lord, may the instructions given in Titus 2:11-15 make our people think.  Give them courage and perseverence to spread the faith.


I reject all unholiness and proclaim Our Savior, Jesus Christ.


I need to constantly keep up my personal faith formation to be able to evangelize.

I am a Child of God

HEB 1:1-6

Brothers and sisters:
In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways
to our ancestors through the prophets;
in these last days, he has spoken to us through the Son,
whom he made heir of all things
and through whom he created the universe,
who is the refulgence of his glory,
the very imprint of his being,
and who sustains all things by his mighty word.
When he had accomplished purification from sins,
he took his seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
as far superior to the angels
as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
For to which of the angels did God ever say:
You are my son; this day I have begotten you?
Or again:
I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me?
And again, when he leads the firstborn into the world, he says:
Let all the angels of God worship him.


This reading begins with what was probably a hymn sung in one of the Hebrew liturgies. It would have pondered one of Isaiah's prophecies.  The reading is filled with visual imagery and at the end God's voice speaks to us.  And doesn't it sound like Wisdom personified?


The relationship between the Father and the Son is closer than the angels to God.  Dare I say, even closer than our relationship to the Father?  But Jesus, the Son is one of us,  so may I say, we have a special relationship with the Father, too? Jesus is the Son of the Father and our brother, and hence we are the children of God, too.


O Lord, I love You as a child loves his father.  Even more so, because You are most worthy.



I resolve to pray an Act of Contrition every evening.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Last Spa You'll Ever Need

Nine Perfect Strangers is a new version of the story where a number of guests are invited to an English manor and one of them is murdered. one is murdered, but at one time there was the possibility that seven of them would be, and then there was the time that one of them might have been killed. Suspenseful? You bet!

And, funny!

The inner thought conversations each character has are hilarious at times, especially the initial reactions of the characters to each other. The characterization is very good. Each person is drawn to a precise picture. And I love how the author, Liane Moriarty, expands on the character's life, after the story line's completion.

The setting is a spa in Australia where seven people go for a health retreat. They are promised that their experiences will be life-altering. That does happen but not in the way anyone thought. Everyone lost weight (anyone would if what happened to them happened to you) and everyone appreciated life more (anyone would if what happened to them happened to you). But after a month everyone was back to their old habits. Instead of going to the spa everyone should have joined T.O.P.S. 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

With Help from Our Sisters

My "cloistered brothers" keep in touch with the Dominican Sisters of Bethany in Europe.  Once in a while
they send letters to the pope.  The subjects vary but they all ask for the grace of the canonization of our founder, Blessed M. John Joseph Lataste, OP.  We never get a response from the Holy Father.

Now one of our sisters in an audience with Pope Francis handed the pope a letter from one of my "cloistered brothers."  Here are some photos of Sister M. Emmanuelle giving the letter to the pope.  How much do you want to bet that Fr. Lataste's cause for canonization is advanced!!!!

Deo Gratias.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Addendum to my Christmas Present

A few days ago, one of “my cloistered brothers” with good eyesight discerned what the last two words were on my Miraculous Medal. The word on top was Sterling. OK!  I'm referring to my post My Christmas Present.

The medal is sterling silver, I can see that. The word underneath Sterling wasn’t a word but letters or initials—H M H.


What do you think?

His Most High?
Holy Majestic High?
The jeweler’s initials?
The company?

I googled H M H.  One of my choices was a company in the next town—a company that made religious medals.  BINGO

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Christmas Present

A Christmas present to myself.

When I was a child, the movie, Song of Bernadette was around and everyone was wearing a miraculous medal.  I don't really remember the movie but the beautiful medal left an impression on me.  It wasn't just a silver or gold medal; it was blue.  I have always wanted one.  I have many silver medals but not one with blue enamel. Well, this Christmas, I bought one for myself.

The front of the medal is exactly as Catherine saw Our Lady, standing on a globe, with dazzling rays of light streaming from her outstretched hands. Framing the figure was an inscription: “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”  All these words are hard to distinguish, but they're there.

The detail on the back is even harder to see. The vision then seemed to turn to show the reverse of the Medal: the letter M surmounted by a cross with a bar at its base; below this monogram, the Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thorns, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced with a sword. This is there.

However, on the back, at the very bottom are at least two words that are indecipherable.  I guess the words are telling us where the medal was made.

This medal is called the Miraculous Medal because of so many miracles that occurred when people wore it.  I was attracted to it as a child, and now, once I saw that the back has the Sacred Heart of Jesus on it, I was determined to get one for myself. Why?

The story of the Miraculous Medal is here.    

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Dog's Tale

That's tale not tailThe Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein has a dog narrating the story.  Enzo the mutt is at the end of his life and tells the story of him and his master, Denny.

It is different.  It is fun.  It is an easy read.  It is enjoyable.  Denny got Enzo as a pup.  Enzo is an extraordinary animal. He can watch TV and thoroughly enjoys it.  Since Denny talks to Enzo, Enzo understands most of what is going on in their lives.  Denny loves cars and aspires to be a race car driver but he needs to work and so works as a mechanic and a counter technician and when he can, he enters a race. What Denny is known for is how to race in wet conditions, hence the title, The Art of Racing in the Rain.

Denny practices "that which you manifest is before you."  IOW, if you think you can then you can.  At least that's my interpretation.  And Enzo practices Mongolian theology.  IOW, when a dog is finished living his life as a dog he is reincarnated as a man.  Since the story told by Enzo is a review of his and Denny's life, Enzo is looking forward to becoming a man. Enzo got this belief from a TV program (I mentioned Enzo watched TV).

Enzo takes us, readers, through Denny's courtship with Eve. They marry and have a daughter, Zoe.  But Enzo being a very perceptive dog can smell that Eve is sick, very sick.  Eve's parents step in to help but are a big interference.  In fact, when Eve dies, Denny has a nasty custody battle over Zoe with Eve's parents.

Enzo is there to tell all.  The story continues and Enzo's Mangolian belief is manifested before the readers' eyes.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Plot is a Plot

This is my first Eleanor Roosevelt Mystery.  I didn't even know they existed. St. Mary's Book Club chose The White House Pantry Murder by Elliott Roosevelt for January.  The setting is Franklin Roosevelt's White House and the time is set for Christmas 1941 just as the US entered WWII.

I didn't know that Eleanor was a major character and that she would be involved in solving the crime, nor that there are other mysteries with her as the sleuth, either.  I learned that after reading.  I also thought the story was true or at least based on actual events because the author gives a biography of a few of the interesting characters.  I had to look at the ISBN page to make sure it said FICTION.

The plot is a plot.  The enemy, the Nazis, have infiltrated the White House.  I won't spoil the suspense but you never know if the bad guy has been caught, or are there more.  And whomever you suspect may or may not be guilty.  I was right and I was wrong.

The purpose of the plot was to kill Franklin, Churchill too, if possible, and/or cause as much mayhem as possible.  To highlight the danger, let me tell you that this was a suicide mission.

I enjoyed the interaction with Churchill.  From what I've read, heard, and have seen in movies, Churchill's characterization was accurate.  He was stubborn, impetuous, a voracious reader, liked to take baths and took the time to craft and practice speaking his speeches.

I was surprised at how much everyone smoked and drank.  But that was a different era.  It was an easy read and since the setting was Christmas and that hectic time was made even more hectic with murders and murderers running around the White House, it made me exclaim, "And I think my Christmas season is busy!"

Monday, December 16, 2019

Pope tells his elderly peers the prayers of the old are powerful

Pope tells his elderly peers the prayers of the old are powerful: VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- On the eve of his 83rd birthday, Pope Francis met with a group of his peers -- although many were a few years younger -- and told them that their contributions to society are very valuable.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Do You Think They'll Come Back Next Year?

Today my parish had Lessons and Carols and quite a few non-Catholics attended.  How do I know?  Well, they didn't bless themselves when Father gave us a blessing but there was one other telling posture.  You see this choir loft in the picture.  It's in the back of the congregation.  That's how the acoustics in Catholic Churches are arranged.  The music and singing are not considered entertainment; they are part of the prayers of the Mass. 

The non-Catholics didn't know what was going on and wanted to turn around to watch, as if the Lessons and Carols were entertainment.  Lessons and Carols is a church service of scripture readings recounting the Fall, the Messianic promise, the Incarnation, and the commission to Evangelize spreading the Good News.  I guess some people thought it was a concert.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Year of the Eucharist

Announcing the Year of Eucharist

Hello and welcome!
Earlier this week, we announced that beginning on Holy Thursday of next year and running through Corpus Christi 2021, we will be observing a Year of the Eucharist in the Archdiocese of Boston.
I want to share with you the letter that I issued with the announcement this week:
December 10, 2019
Feast of Our Lady of Loreto
A recent Pew Study entitled “What Americans Know About Religion” reported that only 31 percent of Catholics believe that the bread and the wine consecrated during the Mass actually become the body and blood of Jesus, and that only half of Catholics know of the Church’s teaching concerning the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
In order to help people gain a better understanding of the Eucharist, on Holy Thursday 2020, the Archdiocese of Boston will begin a Year of the Eucharist. It is my hope and prayer that through this spiritual initiative we can invite and encourage our brothers and sisters to find the consolation of the Lord through participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in times of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.YearOfTheEucharistLogo
When my parents were married, my uncle Father Jerry Reidy gave them as a wedding gift Leonardo Da Vinci’s iconic painting of the Last Supper. That painting hung in our dining room, and one of my earliest memories was my parents explaining to us that this painting depicted the first Mass, the first Eucharist. They made clear that is the reason we go to Mass, to partake in the same Eucharist that Christ shared with his closest followers at the Last Supper before he would suffer and die for us.
My mother and father held the evening meal as a priority for our family; attendance was not optional. It was an institution in our house to gather around the table and it was there that we bonded with one another. We shared our experiences of the day. We would laugh together, would even argue with each other. The evening family meal was essential to our formation and it was where we discovered our identity.
The same can be said of the celebration of the Eucharist. As Catholics, it is in the Eucharist that we learn our identity. At the table of the Lord, Jesus makes a gift of Himself to us because God loves us so much. Just as we discover our identity at the family table, it is in the Eucharist that we discover who we are, why we are here, and what is our mission as disciples of Christ.
Growing up I remember many wonderful devotions that kept the Eucharist at the center of our lives as Catholics: the Forty Hours Adoration, Corpus Christi processions, and the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. From an early age I knew the Eucharist is what distinguishes us from most other Christian churches, that the Body and Blood of Christ was actually, sacramentally, present in our Church.
At the Last Supper, Christ gave us the priesthood so He could be present everywhere in the world, not just in Jerusalem, in every time and age. Through the Eucharist, we have direct contact with the Lord at the celebration of Mass and in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. When we visit our churches at times other than the celebration of Mass, we can see the red glow of the sanctuary lamp and know that Jesus is there for us. He is always waiting silently and lovingly, ready to receive us and console us.
The Capuchin Friars have a commitment to make two periods of meditation a day and I always do mine in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. For me, as Archbishop of Boston, my holy hour is late at night when the phones stop ringing. It is a time when I am renewed by the assurance of the Lord’s presence and His love for me, knowing He will guide me and give me the strength I need. Praying in the presence of the Eucharist, in adoration of the Lord, is a very important part of my daily existence; it is essential to perseverance in the vocation I have embraced.
Before I became a bishop, I served as a priest in Spanish and Portuguese ministry where I learned many of the hymns I sing to the Eucharistic Lord during my Holy Hour. I also love the Latin hymns I learned in the seminary, the “Pange Lingua,” and the English hymn, “Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All.” I memorized these hymns, and it is my hope that they can become a regular part of devotional practice at all our parishes, hymns that everyone learns by heart and sings together. As St. Augustine told us, singing is praying twice, because singing lifts our hearts to God and provides us with a glimpse of His beauty in the beauty of the music.
Recent times have been very difficult for the Church and her people. In the Year of the Eucharist, we all have the opportunity to renew and strengthen our faith and our closeness to the Lord. If we center ourselves in the Real Presence of Jesus, in His friendship, then everything else will make sense. At the celebration of Mass, Jesus is there, waiting for us, inviting us to the table where He is making a gift of Himself to us so that we may have the strength to make a gift of ourselves to others. That is what human fulfillment is about. It is about love and giving of ourselves on behalf of others. That is the meaning of the Eucharist, it is love taken to the extreme. The more we understand that, the more we will want to be present to the Eucharist and the more the Eucharist will transform us.
Discipleship is not a solo flight. Jesus sent people out two by two, not one by one, and spoke of the importance of “two or three are gathered in my name.” The Eucharist is where we gather as Christ’s family, where we can witness our faith to one another and grow in our capacity to love. The Eucharist gives us the strength to carry out our mission to transform the world, to work for justice, to serve the poor, to bring healing and reconciliation. But we can’t do these things unless we have the strength that comes from the intimate contact with God’s love that is given to us in the Eucharist.
Discipleship also requires a plan. We need to ask ourselves what we can do, individually and with our families and friends, to prepare for the Year of the Eucharist. We can find the answer to these questions in times of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in our churches. We can read and reflect on the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. We can invite family, friends, and colleagues to join us at Mass and times of Adoration. We can reflect on the importance of receiving the Lord in the Eucharist, the difference that makes in our lives, and share that insight with those who are close to us.
We don’t exist by accident. Our lives are a gift of God’s gratuitous love, and the Eucharist is the most profound symbol of His love for us. Jesus comes to us in humility, in littleness, so that no one need be afraid or unsure of His acceptance. He makes Himself present to us so that we can have the strength we need to live our mission in the Church as disciples of Christ.
God created us and entered into creation in Jesus Christ so we could be close to Him, hear Him, know and love Him. The sacraments not only touch our lives, they mold our very being, and the Eucharist is the center of our sacramental life. That is why I am a Catholic. That is why I am a priest. Without the Eucharist, I would ask myself, “Is it worth it?” I know it is worth it, because Christ really is present in the Eucharist. May God bless you all abundantly with this assurance that Jesus will be with us always, even to the end of time. That is Jesus’ promise and He keeps that promise in the gift of the Eucharist.
With the assurance of my prayers for you and all whom you hold dear, I am,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M., Cap
Archbishop of Boston

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

No Christmas in Schools

If I could remember the details I'd write a letter of complaint to the school committee.  I went to my grandchildren's winter concert and was surprised and dismayed to hear no Christmas carols.  I think they were trying to be politically correct.  But! c'mon!  Being politically correct doesn't mean ignoring Western Civilization.

 Instead of doing nothing, I would have done everything, i.e., Hava Nagilla and appropriate Hannacha songs, and Eid al-Fitr, for Muslims and Diwali, for Hindus.  I would have asked for parental input for other ethnic and/or religious songs. 

What a social studies opportunity! 

So, it's up to us babushkas to teach our grandchildren our history, language, customs, traditions and religions because our public schools won't teach them what we value. 

It's sad.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Prophecy Regarding Second Coming

CCC 674 tells us that the Second Coming won't happen until

The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel"...

The teaching is reinforced in Romans 11.  Here Paul explains why the Jews rejected Jesus.  If they hadn't, the apostles wouldn't have evangelized the Gentiles.  But the Jews will come to accept Jesus as the Messiah.  That's what the catechism says in 674.  And when that happens, expect the parousia.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sacred Heart Medal

Look what I found.  Isn't it beautiful?  I was cleaning and organizing my dresser top.  I'm getting rid of a lot of junk jewelry and putting all my religious medals together.   And I had just ordered a Sacred Heart Medal from Amazon, but it is nowhere near as beautiful as this one.  Here is the one I found and when the new one arrives, I'll show you the difference

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Discovering Yourself

This was a quick read.  My Soul's Journey by Susan Berard-Goldberg is a true story of the author's experiences throughout her life. Sue talks about her intuitive feelings and her near-death experience or a paranormal experience.  Trying to figure out what was happening to her led her to study extrasensory perception, paranormal activity, and near-death experiences. She's got it whatever it is.  Is it a gift?  A blessing?

Her first experience was when she was engaged. She and her fiance were at a party and she had an astral projection.  It is hard to describe.  When you read the book you go through the event.

Another aspect of her life is how God has always guided her.  He puts people in her path, just when she needs them.  Deo Gratias!  She believes and she feels blessed.  This story is from the author's life from childhood.  Everyone can identify.


Covenant Books
1161 Hwy 707
MurrellsInlet, SC 29576

ISBN: 978-64559-459-8 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-64559-460-4 (Digital)



Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...