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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why Only One Leper Said Thanks

This Sunday, the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, has in its Gospel, the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers, but only one bothered to come back to Him, and express his gratitude.  In what I've read, and the discussions we shared in my Bible Sharing Group, no one mentioned an obvious thought.

The one who came back to say "thanks," was a Samaritan.  Everyone comments on how remarkable that this foreigner, is the one who came back.  That's the focus; the non-Jew is the only one who came back.  

But that's the very reason, the Samaritan did come back; he was a Samaritan.  There was no way a Samaritan is going to present himself to a Jewish priest!  A Samaritan would not have been allowed to enter the temple to thank God.

The Samaritan had no choice; he had no where else to go to express his gratitude.

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