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Monday, October 21, 2013

Conditional Baptism

Before Mass tonight, Msgr. Peter Conley performed a Conditional Baptism.  Cardinal O'Malley is coming soon to confirm the confirmandi and they're getting ready.  One confirmandi wasn't sure that he was ever baptised.  Jose doesn't remember any talk or pictures about it, and his family is estranged from him, so he can't ask them.

In Jose's case, when there is reasonable doubt that a baptism has ever occurred, the sacrament is administered conditionally.  Baptism can only be done once; that's why it's important for the priest to say "if you are not baptised..."

Since this was done in front of my "cloistered brothers," their answers were quite loud.

Msgr. Conley: Do you reject Satan?

Cloistered Brothers: I do.

Msgr. Conley: And all his works?

Cloistered Brothers: I do.

Msgr. Conley: Do you reject sin, so as to live in the freedom of God's children?

Cloistered Brothers: I do.

Msgr. Conley: Do you reject the glamor of evil, and refuse to be mastered by sin?

Cloistered Brothers: I do.

Msgr. Conley: Do you reject Satan, father of sin and prince of darkness?

Cloistered Brothers: I do.

I, myself shouted "I do!"  If anyone rejects Satan, we certainly do!

And Jose chose the patron saint's name of Anthony.  

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