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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Communion of Saints

 Montferrand Cemetery
Catholicism is the best religion to die in.  I was reading someone's blog explaining All Hallow's Eve, All
Saints Day, and All Souls Day. One of the comments happened to say, "When you're dead, you're dead.  No use praying for them.  It does no good."

Thank God I'm Catholic and believe in the Communion of Saints.  Pope Francis' continued his catechesis, during his General Audience.

Pope Francis told the crowd that within the communion of saints exists a great family where each one helps and sustains the other.
A final aspect of the communion of saints, he continued, is the spiritual bond that exists between those who continue their pilgrimage on earth and those who have passed the threshold of death into eternity.
“All who are baptized down here on earth, the souls of Purgatory and all the blessed already in Paradise form one big Family,” the Holy Father said. “This communion between heaven and earth is realized especially through the intercessory prayer,” he concluded, calling it the “highest form of solidarity,” as well as the foundation of the liturgical celebrations of All Saints and All Souls, which the Church will celebrate in the coming days.
 Deo Gratias!

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