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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Backyard Shrines

Ha!  I'm laughing because I just read Dr. Taylor Marshall's post on how he made a back yard shrine.  It's very nice and reminds me of the wayside shrines in Switzerland.  I wish I could.  I'd make one for my meditation garden.  Unfortunately, my family thinks they're very tacky and are horrified to think that I'd put Mary in a bathtub on our front lawn.

But the reason for my mirth, is that I was reminded of the time of how I tricked hubby into getting rid of an unsightly eye sore of a rotting tree trunk.  Hubby cut down a rotten tree in the front of our house.  The stump remained--for too long.  It was very unsightly and a source of irritation, everytime my eyes saw it.

One day I announced at the dinner table, "Don't you think that tree stump in the front yard, is the perfect spot for a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe?"  I still smugly smile at the look on the family's face.

The next weekend the stump was burnt down to the ground.  And new grass planted.

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