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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival

RAnn is hosting Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival, again. This is where Catholic bloggers can highlight their blog.  Before getting into that, I have a question to answer.
Have you read a book lately that you'd like to recommend  to us? Which one and why?  
I just finished reading Light by Torgny Lindgren.  I'm going to write a review of it, and I will post it.  It's fiction and reminds me of Flannery O'Connor.  It takes place in a medieval village.  The story is dark and I guess you could say it was full of dark humor.  It's just so horrifically ridiculous that you have to laugh.  You name the sin; it has it.  You read it because you want to see what happens.  I'd say the theme is how tenuous, and fragile, our consciences are.  How easy morality can turn backwards and get all mixed up.  I've never read anything like it before.  Torgny Lindgren is a genius.

As for me, I'm not a genius.  I'm just an average Catholic blogger who this week posted:

Monday--to honor Our Lady of the Rosary, I posted a Brother Tonto and Cappa cartoon.

Tuesday--inspired by the discussion in Bible study, I posted the real reason why only one leper returned to thank Jesus.

Wednesday--I talked about losing weight versus fasting for the only good reason (for God).

Thursday--I wrote about how naming your babies with simple biblical names, e.i., Mary, Joseph, etc., was an evangelizing tool.   I also posted the story of how I tricked hubby into getting rid of a tree stump.  I call it divine inspiration.

Friday--I posted a short story I'm working on, for Halloween.

Saturday--I wrote about my pet peeve--that International Traveling Fatima Statue.  It's not a statue of the original vision.  There is a statue that depicts the vision exactly.  This one was sculpted under Sister Lucia's direction.  But no one knows about that one.  Everyone thinks the statue with that ridiculous, humongous, Hollywood bling crown, is the vision of what the three children saw.   Grr-r-r-r-r

I think you better go over to RAnn's and read other posts, too.

Opposites Can Attract

 The Best Gift by Irene Hannon is a love story with no sex.  !!!!! How refreshing!  The gift to AJ is an inheritance of half a book store. ...