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Sunday, September 23, 2012

When the Weak are Strong

Today is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  The Gospel is Mark 9: 30-37. It's about important people.

Early this morning, before Church, I was reading Fr. Ron Rolheiser.  In explaining the Gospel, Fr. Rolheiser tells the story of four important people in the room: a corporate magnate, an Olympic athlete, a rock star, and a baby.

Of course he elaborates on how powerful these important people are.  Yet, they all yield to the baby and cater to its very whims.

I liked the story and almost told the story to Fr. Frank before Mass.  But I didn't.

Then, in Father's homily, he told the story.  !!!!!


The difference is: when Father read Fr. Rolheiser, he meditated and thought of a homily.  When I read Fr. Rolheiser, I was reminded of a joke.  Same idea--the power of powerlessness.

If aliens from another planet came to earth, they would think that cats are our gods.  Think about it.  The aliens would see us catering to every need and whim of our cats.  We groom them.  We feed them. We play with them.  We make sure they're healthy by buying products to make their coats shine, their eyes bright, their teeth decay free, their breath fresh; we bring them to their special doctors--veterinarians. We have sprays so they won't smell like animals.  We give them special toilet facilities--litter boxes.

 We even pick up their poop!  

Now, there's power.

With A Little Help From My Friends

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