This morning on my way to Mass, Fr. Mitch Pacwa was on the
radio. He made me laugh out loud. He was talking about confession. Some people say that they don’t need to go to
confession because they haven’t killed anybody.
Father said “That’s
very good, if you compare yourself to Al Capone!” You have to compare yourself to Jesus.”
Now wait a minute, before you say “Oh.” Think about it.
Have you worked on Sunday?
Fourth Commandment
Mark 3:1-6
Mark 3:1-6
Have you caused your parents grievous anxiety? Fifth Commandment
Luke 2: 39-52
Luke 2: 39-52
Have you given scandal?
Have you associated with bad companions?
Disciples picked grain Mark 2: 23-28
Jesus associated with sinners Matt: 11:19
Disciples picked grain Mark 2: 23-28
Jesus associated with sinners Matt: 11:19
So how do you compare to Jesus?
How do you define satire?