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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Modify your Exercise

Just about every exercise can be modified.  Fortunately, I’ve never been close to 300 pounds, where I couldn’t get up off the floor, once I got down, or didn’t want to be seen at a gym with all those mirrors, and 18 year olds with hard bodies.  However, I did once have an illness that left me too weak to even get down on the floor, and had a voice that was barely above a whiskey/cigarette clogged voice box.  Hence, I have some experience that I think might help people.

You have to exercise to be healthy, PERIOD. 

You know it.

Make up your mind to just do it.

1.       You can do it privately.  No one has to know.  Experiment.  So you feel foolish, who knows?  Push yourself.

2.       Walk.  Make numerous trips down to the basement and upstairs.  Write down how many times you do it, and do more the next day.
3.       Go to the supermarket and if you take the motorized cart, don’t.  Use your walker.  If that’s too much, use your walker for part of the time.
4.       Take chair exercises and other exercises for seniors at the Senior Center.  If you’re not a senior, make arrangements to take the class.
5.       Pace when you talk on the telephone.
6.       Pace waiting for the microwave.
7.       Drink water—more each day until you’re drinking 6-8 glasses a day.
8.       Dance, hoola hoop, whatever, to music.
9.       Change the furniture around.  Clean a room (windows, clean carpets, upholstery, everything) yourself.
10.   Once you’ve dropped a size, cleaned a room, you’ll feel good.  So good in fact that you’ll want to keep up this modified activity.  You may even feel like modifying this modified plan. 

Persevere.  Half a pound a week is fine.  That’s 26 pounds a year.  That is sensible, healthy and doable. 

What have you got to lose?  Yeah, right.

With A Little Help From My Friends

 TOPS is a "weight loss" group.  It's big on recognition and support.  There's no diet because it's up to the individ...