Since Bl. M. Jean-Joseph Lataste was just beatified June 3, 2012, no one has these readings in their breviary. His feast day is tomorrow, Sept. 5. Here are the new readings:
Morning Prayer
Invitatory Antiphon: In order to see God we must forget
O Lord, what is man that you treat him with so much respect?
Antiphon: The soul which returns freely to God
renders Him the most beautiful homage possible, that of a free soul which
chooses to kneel before God.
1 Peter 2:21b-24
It is true, the greatest sinners have in them what makes the greatest saints: who knows
if they won’t be so one day!
Hebrew, 13:1-3
O my joy and my hope the Lord is my song, it is from him that my pardon comes , in him I hope, I
fear nothing, in him I hope , I fear nothing.
recited by all together,
“Whoever you
are, come to Jesus!
He has goodness for all who are miserable,
He has pardon for all
who are guilty,
He has ointment for all
He has water for all
“Come, implore Me”,
says the Lord”
-O my joy…
for us
Father of Bethany, you
who have renounced life in a heroic act of love of God, teach us to renounce
all that is not God.
You, who have responded
to the call of St. Dominic in becoming a brother preacher, make of us true
Dominicans in spirit and truth.
Faithful and obedient
Religious even in contradictions, teach us perfect consecration to God.
You, who in kissing the
relic of St. Mary Magdalene, have understood that from sinners God can make the
greatest saints, show us the immensity of redemptive love.
Apostle of the lost
sheep in Cadillac, you knew how to awaken hope against all hope. Give us the
aptitude to transmit your message to all victims of any form of imprisonment.
You, who received the
inspiration for Bethany in a prison chapel, teach us to let all our chains
fall, so that we may be free as children of God.
God of
mercy, You gave blessed Jean Joseph hope against all hope and to be a preacher
full of goodness. By his prayers, give us the faith to believe that today you
make all things new. Through Jesus Christ…
Office of Readings
Psalms of
the day.
1. Reading: Is. 61, 1-9
2. Reading : Notes of confidences of Fr.
Lataste at the moment of death
Or: sermon of Father Lataste to the women at the Prison of Cadillac,
Sept.15, 1864
Prayer: God of mercy, you gave Blessed Jean Joseph hope against all hope
and to be the preacher full of goodness. Through his prayers, put into our
hearts the same charity, so that we may see what makes the greatest sinners the
greatest saints. Through Jesus Christ…
Evening prayer
Antiphon: Ah! The graces my brothers, whatever you have
did, whatever you are doing, never despair, of the mercy of God.
Psalm: 15
However great, however many your faults may be they can never surpass his infinite
love and mercy!
Psalm: 112
However great, however many your faults may be they can never surpass his
infinite love and mercy!
Canticle: Col.1: 12-20
Word of God:
1. Cor. 1, 26-31
Your mercy oh Lord! Source of pardon, oh Lord! Source of
reconciliation, source of peace, deliberation!
Hope of the hopeless,
joy of the needy, for everyone Hope!
Response: Pray for us.
You, who
wanted to unite faithfulness and repentance in one and the same love as Mary
and Martha in Bethany, help us to love one another like sisters and like
Adorer of
the Blessed Sacrament day and night, and who wanted make shine in Bethany the
Sun of justice, “because healing happens in these rays”, teach us to be these
adorers who search for the Father to give him praise.
You the
founder, full of goodness, in the humble home of Bethany, help us to understand
that goodness is what resembles God the most.
You who
offered his life so that St. Joseph would be proclaimed patron of the universal
Church, put in our hearts zeal and love for the Church.
You, who
died young and consumed with love in mystical union with your God, come and
receive us at the threshold of the kingdom as you have promised.
You, who are
the source for Bethany and the persons living your spirit, remain for all the
living witness of hope in the mercy of God.
Procession Beatification Mass |
God of
mercy, you gave Blessed Jean Joseph hope against all hope and to be the
preacher full of goodness. By his prayers, put into our hearts the same
charity, so that we may see what makes the greatest sinners the greatest
saints. Through Jesus Christ…