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Monday, April 11, 2011


Jesus and Barabbas before the Judgment Seat of...Image via Wikipedia
Tonight my two favorite seminarians, Chris Wallace and David Napoli preached about love.  They were excellent, better than some parish priests.  Chris spoke of agape love (I always think of my husband in connection with "agape love," because that's the way he loves me.)  Chris obviously is becoming a priest because he loves God so much.  Chris, of course, prays like a pirate, so his reflections are deep.

David, conquered his "ah" habit and gave an excellent talk, also.  He talked about Christ love for us.  He loved us so much, He let Himself be crucified for us.  David told us to put ourselves in the crucifixion.  Who would you be?
Pontius Pilate?  Peter who denied Jesus three times?   Mary?  John?  Soldier who nailed Jesus?

Mick, my "cloistered brother" said he'd be Barabbas.

Yeah, think about it.  It really was Jesus who set him free.  Barabbas was freed.  We are freed from sin because of Jesus.

What do you think happened to Barabbas afterwards?
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1 comment:

Iosue Andreas Sartorius said...

A graphic for you:

Knowing and Accepting

 The Apostles and disciples were always expecting Jesus to establish His kingdom here, on earth.  They found it hard to understand why Jesus...