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Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Master Comes Calling

Mr. Roman Gorski, OP (VP Region 1) Fr. Bruno Cadore, OP, Miss Marianne Jablonski, OP (Pres. Prov. St. Joseph)
The Master General of the Dominican Order came to visit my Chapter today.  We were thrilled and excited.  Do you realize he is the 86th Master since St. Dominic?

He is French, Fr. Bruno Cadore.  Our Spiritual Director, Fr. Nic was the Mass celebrant with Fr. Bruno concelebrating.  Because of the language difference, Fr. Nic was the main celebrant.  But I suspect Fr. Bruno had no trouble understanding.

He gave the homily and we were told that he had been practicing for awhile.  Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent and the Gospel was about Jesus healing the blind man.  Father Bruno said the blind man was born blind and couldn't see until he found Jesus.  This is just like us sinners.  We sin because we don't know Jesus, hence we are like the blind man.  But once we find Jesus, our blindness is healed.  We are free from sin.

After Mass, something bizarre happened.  Usually we ask visiting friars, how we laity can preach.  But before we had the chance, Fr. Bruno asked us, "How do you preach?"  Surprisingly, we answered: we minister at Mass, some draw, some write, some pray the Rosary, as always, we hope, by our example.  And what Fr. Bruno asked of us, was to pray.  Pray for our Order.

We are efficacious prayer warriors.  
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