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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dominican Speak

"Dominican Speak" is what my chapter calls "disputatio."  We are a Chapter of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominican (nothing to do with the Dominican Republic).  When we argue we don't out shout or put down anyone.  We try not to show the error of another's thinking.  We do agree with the truth of what one is saying, even if it is very little truth.  We're very conscious of community spirit, and that entails love.  Very often you'll hear us say, "Perhaps there is some truth in what you say."  This is our tradition.  We feel the times we have
to discuss and debate are valuable and we must express ourselves without fear of the truth.  Disagreement is usual in any group of Dominicans.  But we always assent to Magisterium.

What was on the table?  Such subjects as usury, slavery, altar girls, women priests, Tridentine Mass, Limbo, St. Christopher and Philomena, eating meat of Friday, condoms and B16, solving the problems of world hunger, poverty, war, etc.   I repeat; we may argue, but we always assent to Magisterium.

I'm still all jazzed up.

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