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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!: Dummies Guide to Catholic Zombies

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!: Dummies Guide to Catholic Zombies  I'm referring you to Fr. Philip Neri Powell's homily for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.  It's a hoot.

He compares Catholics who just go through the motions to Lazarus.  Raising Lazarus from the dead is what Fr. Philip was trying to do to the Catholic Zombies.

He said, "Don't catch the disease."  Prevention is necessary, which includes reception of the sacraments and holy reading.  Don't you just love it?  I could really go to town with this theme.  Imagine.  The Eucharistic Host is the pill.  The Eucharistic Wine is the liquid form of the medicine.  Booster shots would be available in the Confessional Box.  Eucharistic Adoration would be spiritual therapy.  Going to Daily Mass would be necessary spiritual exercise.  Devotions would aid prevention.  Spiritual Direction would be the check-ups.

What about the bill?   Mmmm.  Oh, that could be tallied up on your Judgment Day.

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