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Friday, September 3, 2010

Led by Grace, Today

Alpha and Omega
My side-kick, Omega, arrived last night.  Today I took her shopping.  While shopping at the Hope Chest, Nghia, who works at the store, happened to announce, "We're closing an hour early, today."

"Why?" was my curious response.

"We're having Mass with Fr. Wayne.  Aren't you coming?"  Nghia told us.

I told Nghia that I didn't even know about it, but asked if we could go, too.

He said, "Sure."

It turned out that Mass was at Sister Ruth's.  Just as we pulled into the driveway, so did Fr. Wayne.  Inside, we met Sarah Bohmer and Sister Pia Elizabeth.  Both are Dominican Sisters of Bethany.  Sister Sarah is from the Netherlands; Sister Pia Elizabeth is from France.  Sister Sarah is an apostolic religious; Sister Pia Elizabeth is a contemplative.  Sister Sarah speaks English, Dutch, and German; Sister Pia Elizabeth speaks French and German.  That means Sister Pia Elizabeth doesn't talk to us, and Sister Sarah tells Sister Pia Elizabeth what we've said in English, in German.


Poor Sister Pia Elizabeth.  It's going to be a long visit for her.

Mass was very intimate.  Father Wayne's homily talked about how the Pharisees were suspicious of Jesus.  Both the followers of Jesus and the Pharisees were good, God-fearing people.  Why the contention?
The same is true today between conservatives and liberals.  Both are God-fearing, why the suspicion?

After Mass, Omega and Sister Sarah found common ground in their German ancestry.  Both sisters were probably wondering about me.  I wonder if they think I'm an ex-con.  

They won't ask, you know.   We all follow the Rule of Discretion.  

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