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Monday, September 6, 2010

Auf Wiedersehen Au Revoir Vaarwel Good Bye

Sister Ruth had a cook out to say good-bye to 
   Sister Pia Elizabeth                   Father Wayne       Sister Sara

The friendship, the food, the Mass, and the fun abounded.  I shall never forget this day.  People brought their entire families.  There were even three dogs in attendance.

We started the festivities with Mass.  Father Wayne Cavalier, O.P. presided.  Fr. Wayne went around the room and had everyone introduce themselves and their connection to Bethany.  Many, many were "graduates" of Norfolk.  Not surprisingly, many said their lives were turned around by Sisters Ruth and Kathleen.  Some of their families were there.  Volunteers also attended.

Everyone brought food, so there was plenty. After everyone ate, we sat around and had fellowship.  This is how we spent the afternoon.  Old acquaintances were renewed and new acquaintances were made. We passed a few hours this way.  Gradually, people began to leave, at their leisure.  Everyone enjoyed themselves.  Father Wayne stayed the entire time, and even managed to bless a couple of motorcycles.

It wasn't sad to say good-bye.  We will always have the Bethany connection.  We will pray for each other and our hearts will communicate.  Love knows no boundaries.  Love conquers all.

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