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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Faith of Our Parents

I was very happy to see that the Mass celebrant this morning, at the Abbey, was Fr. Ted Kofitse.  He use to be assigned to my parish.  I miss him.  Boy, do I miss him!  A lot!

It's been a few years, so I didn't know if he remembered me.  So after Terce, I went over to him to see if he remembered me, he said, "Of course I remember you.  I'll never forget you."

Father Ted Kofitse and Deacon Dick Delio

"Oh no, what gaffe did I do, now?"

Father Ted remember me because I went up to him once and told him that I was sick of singing "Faith of Our Fathers."  You see, there's no music at the 7:00 AM Mass.  It didn't matter.  Father Ted made us sing, anyway.  He has a good voice, but "fer cryin out loud" it was 7:00 AM.  And since more than a few times during the week, it's some saints feast or memorial, we sang "Faith of Our Fathers," and it didn't matter whether the saint was female or not; we sang "Faith of Our Fathers."  So I objected.  Naturally.  Who wouldn't?

Father Ted said, "If you can find a Faith of Our Mothers, we'll sing that for women saints."  

Well you know I can't resist a dare.

And I didn't.  And I did.


I don't object for being remembered for that.  At least he's not remembering me for "saving Paris from burning."  

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