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Friday, September 13, 2024

Two Novenas

A novena is a prayer that you pray for nine days: 9 = novena.  I've tried to pray novenas and usually I forget about them.  For some reason, I did it, this time. 
     I watched a program on Rhoda Wise.  She was a mystic in the twentieth century.  Mother Angelica, the sister who started the Eternal Word Television Network, was cured by Rhoda Wise.  WOW!  I copied Rhoda's pray (below) and thought I'd try it.
     The wording was difficult.  I thought if I made it my own, I'd pray it better.  St. Therese is not my favorite saint.  Her story is popular, but I can't relate.  I composed a prayer to one of my favorite saints, Catherine of Siena. 
     As I see it, the problem with the world throughout history, is "free will."  God gave us free will to freely choose to love it.  But it's that same free will that results in people making bad choices.  My "cloistered brothers," have a propensity to make bad decisions.  Some people can't help themselves; they're made that way.  Anyway, that's my experience.  However, I'm not God, and He knows people's hearts, and He's the judge. 
         Essentially, I'm praying for God to take away my family's free will.  I know that's not possible.  I've been praying for God to take away my free will, for a long time; He hasn't.  I only want to do God's Will.  But there are examples, where God makes people do what He wants, not what they want.  Jonah comes mind.  Along with Saul, Gideon, etc..  I figure it's worth a try.

St. Therese Novena begins today! This is the prayer to St. Therese that Rhoda Wise gave out to visitors: O beautiful Rose of Carmel, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, deign according to your promise to descend from heaven to visit those who implore you, to pour down on us in profusion those Celestial Graces that are symbolized by the shower of roses that Jesus, your Spouse, has put at your disposal. Your power is great with His Heart. He can only listen and hear your prayer. I have recourse then to you, O Saint Therese of the Child Jesus; assist me in this need (mention your intention). Speak for me to Jesus and to Mary and obtain for me the grace to live a holy life and die a happy death. Amen

This is Rhoda Wise's prayer to St. Therese. It inspires me to pray my own. I'll make it a novena to St. Catherine of Siena.

O model of piety and deportment, St. Catherine of Siena, intercede for me, to your beloved, Jesus. Your influence was felt by many. You dialogued with Jesus, Himself. I have recourse then to you, Catherine, my sister through St. Dominic; please assist me in converting my family to have a relationship with your spouse, Jesus. I specifically ask for the conversion of my husband, Richard, first. It would be nice to be able to talk about Jesus, with him, to pray with him, and go to church with him. I know that Our Lord, desires this also. If the Holy Spirit can turn Saul, into Paul, then I implore Him to give extra graces to Richard, my husband. Speak for me, to Jesus and Mary. Pray for me, too. Amen.

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