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Sunday, September 15, 2024


 The Father’s House: Discovering Our Home in the Trinity (Kindle Edition)


Friday, September 13, 2024

Two Novenas

A novena is a prayer that you pray for nine days: 9 = novena.  I've tried to pray novenas and usually I forget about them.  For some reason, I did it, this time. 
     I watched a program on Rhoda Wise.  She was a mystic in the twentieth century.  Mother Angelica, the sister who started the Eternal Word Television Network, was cured by Rhoda Wise.  WOW!  I copied Rhoda's pray (below) and thought I'd try it.
     The wording was difficult.  I thought if I made it my own, I'd pray it better.  St. Therese is not my favorite saint.  Her story is popular, but I can't relate.  I composed a prayer to one of my favorite saints, Catherine of Siena. 
     As I see it, the problem with the world throughout history, is "free will."  God gave us free will to freely choose to love it.  But it's that same free will that results in people making bad choices.  My "cloistered brothers," have a propensity to make bad decisions.  Some people can't help themselves; they're made that way.  Anyway, that's my experience.  However, I'm not God, and He knows people's hearts, and He's the judge. 
         Essentially, I'm praying for God to take away my family's free will.  I know that's not possible.  I've been praying for God to take away my free will, for a long time; He hasn't.  I only want to do God's Will.  But there are examples, where God makes people do what He wants, not what they want.  Jonah comes mind.  Along with Saul, Gideon, etc..  I figure it's worth a try.

St. Therese Novena begins today! This is the prayer to St. Therese that Rhoda Wise gave out to visitors: O beautiful Rose of Carmel, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, deign according to your promise to descend from heaven to visit those who implore you, to pour down on us in profusion those Celestial Graces that are symbolized by the shower of roses that Jesus, your Spouse, has put at your disposal. Your power is great with His Heart. He can only listen and hear your prayer. I have recourse then to you, O Saint Therese of the Child Jesus; assist me in this need (mention your intention). Speak for me to Jesus and to Mary and obtain for me the grace to live a holy life and die a happy death. Amen

This is Rhoda Wise's prayer to St. Therese. It inspires me to pray my own. I'll make it a novena to St. Catherine of Siena.

O model of piety and deportment, St. Catherine of Siena, intercede for me, to your beloved, Jesus. Your influence was felt by many. You dialogued with Jesus, Himself. I have recourse then to you, Catherine, my sister through St. Dominic; please assist me in converting my family to have a relationship with your spouse, Jesus. I specifically ask for the conversion of my husband, Richard, first. It would be nice to be able to talk about Jesus, with him, to pray with him, and go to church with him. I know that Our Lord, desires this also. If the Holy Spirit can turn Saul, into Paul, then I implore Him to give extra graces to Richard, my husband. Speak for me, to Jesus and Mary. Pray for me, too. Amen.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Prophetic Endeavor


The LORD came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses.
Taking some of the spirit that was on Moses,
the LORD bestowed it on the seventy elders;
and as the spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied.

Now two men, one named Eldad and the other Medad,
were not in the gathering but had been left in the camp.
They too had been on the list, but had not gone out to the tent;
yet the spirit came to rest on them also,
and they prophesied in the camp.
So, when a young man quickly told Moses,
"Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp, "
Joshua, son of Nun, who from his youth had been Moses' aide, said,
"Moses, my lord, stop them."
But Moses answered him,
"Are you jealous for my sake?
Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets!
Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all!"


Interesting that the Book of Numbers has lengthy prescriptions on protocols and procedures, yet here we see something that doesn't follow.  Moses seems to be in the know, where the others are not. Moses has the authority to express to acknowledge Eldad and Medad as prophets.
     This is an example of God's ways are not our ways.  His Word can be spread by people who are not one of your own community.  Pay attention.


Lord, help me not to ignore people who may be one of Your prophets.  I don't want to be an arrogant know-it-all.  Help me to listen to others.  I pray to be able to discern Your Voice, in whomever expresses it.


Open my ears to Your Voice, O Lord.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Washington Monument

 The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall and 55 feet wide, and was erected to honor George Washington.  The story of how it came to be is a monumental story, itself, of human frailty and perseverance.

The building took four decades to build, due to politics, money, vandalism, and controversy.  Proposals to build it started as early as 1783, when Congress wanted to honor General George Washington, for winning our independence from England.  Washington eventually became our first president, from 1789-1797.

However, in 1800, the new country didn't have much money, and nor have a budget for statues.  But Baltimore, MD, found a way to build a statue for its city.  They raised money through a public lottery.  It took them four years to build a statue of Washington on top of a column.

But a monument in Washington D.C., didn't really get going until the Washington National Monument Society formed.  They chose the same architect who build the Baltimore Washington statue, Robert Mills.  

The architect wanted to surround an obelisk with statues of early American patriots from the revolutionary days, with George Washington driving a chariot.  Twenty thousand people came to see the cornerstone being laid.  

The money came from private funds.  When $87,000 was raised, the workers installed the foundation.  Work continued and so did the fund raising.  Foreign countries donated commemorative blocks.  But when Vatican City sent a stone in 1854, anti-Catholics protested.  They didn't want the "Pope Stone."  This stone came from an archeological site, from around 366 BC in Caesar's Rome.  A group called the Know Nothings broke into the Washington Monument and took out the "Pope's Stone," smashed it, and threw it into the Potomac River. This incident brought the project to a halt.  Controversy and politics, money, and then the Civil War, essentially stopped construction.

With the Civil War ending in 1865, the monument became the butt of jokes and political cartoons.  Finally, construction resumed in 1876, and Congress came up with $200,000.  The architect's plan of the patriots around the base just cost too much, so an unadorned obelisk was the result.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers oversaw the construction.  It reached 555 feet.  A steam elevator was installed to take workers, and then tourists to the top. By 1884, it was complete, and at the time, was considered the tallest structure in the world.  The dedication was on Washington's birthday, February 22, 1885.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cribbage Catechesis

 Today, in cribbage, I had a chance to catechize.  I was playing with this lady who was wearing a bracelet, that had a cross dangling from it.  I asked her if her bracelet was a rosary bracelet.

She said, she didn't know; she liked the cross, so she wore it.  So, I took her wrist and counted: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.  This is a rosary bracelet.  She then said her friend brought it home from Rome, as a gift.

It was beautiful.

I explained that a rosary had ten beads on which to pray a Hail Mary.  Then the man next to me, said, "I don't have to pray because I don't sin."

"Oh, so you were immaculately conceived?" I responded.


Thanks to the Holy Spirit, I could explain that the only person to have never sinned was the Virgin Mary.  Since she was chosen to be the Mother of God, she was born free from sin, right at her conception.  The Mother of God had to be pure. Think about it.  Jesus is God; His Mother had to be pretty special and not like every other woman. This is why Catholic tradition says Mary was immaculately conceived.

Two people left that cribbage game with something to think about.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Best Choice

My granddaughter is making her Confirmation.  She wants to choose a saint to have as a model.  We've been looking up different saints and discussing which one would be good for her.

My bet was that she would choose, Saint Joan of Arc., because she is about the same age.


Blessed Carlo Acutis because he's more modern and about the same age.

However, she isn't interested in either.  She's thinking of Mary.  Mary, the Mother of God.

Think about it.  

Yeah...I didn't have to ask why.


Friday, September 6, 2024


A former Correctional Officer told a wonderful story, today. He was reminiscing about his first day as a CO.  As he was making his morning rounds, an inmate asked him to get him a pair of socks, since the ones he had were all wet and full of holes.  The CO said he would.

The day was busy and the CO forgot.  Actually, not quite--he almost forgot.  As he was punching out, at the time clock, he remembered.  He went back into the prison, got a pair of socks, and went back to the inmate and gave them to him.

The inmate was shocked.  He said that he had seen the CO leave and thought to himself that he was like many of the CO's and just enjoyed jerking the inmates around. Some CO's think the inmates are less than human.

That inmate's opinion was turned around and he found respect for that CO.  Not only the inmate found respect, but the CO also realized that people are people, whether they are in prison or not, and deserve to be treated as such.  

Respect people and they respect you back.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Death Comes for the Deconstructionist by Daniel Taylor is a "who-done-it."  A Deconstructionist is a study of literature, that you don't need to understand to appreciate this story.  The professor who taught this theory, Dr. Pratt, was murdered.  His widow hires Jon Mote to see what he can find.

Jon Mote was once a student of Dr. Pratt. In the story he is a human example of deconstruction.  He has numerous issues--emotional and mental.  What holds him down is his mentally challenged sister.  She is highly functional and helps Jon. 

The story is written in first person.  Since Jon is narrating, the reader can see his mental breakdown and rescue by Judy. The reader hopes Jon has been healed.

As Jon investigates and eventually figures out what happened, everything is neatly tied up.  Judy ends up content.  Jon is applying for meaningful work.  So, the mystery of "who-done-it" is solved, Jon's mystery of himself is getting there, and Judy is happy.  A pleasant read!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Family Betrayal

 Scattered here and there in Louise Penny's mysteries, is the scripture quote, Matt. 10: 21.

In the novels, it is used to mean, look within the family for betrayal.  But does it mean that?

LECTIO:                                        Matthew 10: 21-23  

21  Brothers and sisters will betray one another and have each other put to death. Parents will betray their own children, and children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 22  Everyone will hate you because of me. But if you remain faithful until the end, you will be saved. 23 When people mistreat you in one town, hurry to another one. I promise you before you have gone to all the towns of Israel, the Son of Man will come.


Jesus is speaking to His apostles.  He is preparing them for the persecution they will be receiving, from family, and friends, for preaching about Jesus.

Louise Penny is taking one verse out of context, to give a hint to her readers, that the murderer is in the family.


It's easy to see when someone is doing something different, how rejection will follow.  The nail that sticks out, gets hammered.  

Everyone is a child of God.  Maybe we should listen and respect everyone.


Lord, help me to love others, as You do.


Teach me to love.


I've got to pray before I speak.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Lesson Plan

 Since I live among heathens, it has been left to me to teach religion to my grandchildren.  This is tolerated by my husband and children.  Yeah, good luck to me, right?

I do the best I can, given the circumstances.

Most of the time, I am led by the Holy Spirit.  I think this is one of those times.  I was reading something on the internet and my peripheral vision caught a title, along the right margin, of the article, I was reading.

"Dynamic Teaching Method."

Wouldn't that catch your eye?

A lady from Czechoslovakia, Ida Peterfy, who lived during and after WWII, was a devout religious person.  The turmoil from the war was stressful enough, but then her country became communist, under Russia.  Belonging to any religion, was forbidden.  

Ida remained pious and devout and secretly taught her faith to others.  I emphasize!  To reach people better, her God was loving and caring and used props, to hold their attention.  Story telling was used.  Puppets were fun props.  This was the beginning of Ida's Five Step Lesson Plan.

Eventually, she because a religious sister, moves to Canada.  She ends up in Los Angeles, as a sister of the Society of the Sacred Heart.  Here is her five steps:

1.  Get Attention
2.  Illustration explanation of topic.
3.  Correlation with life.
4.  Weekly practice.
5.  Review, repeat lesson if needed.

This seems like common sense.  How can you teach anybody anything, unless you get their attention.  Use illustrations-videos, puppets, charts, etc.  Explain why this is important to your students.  Apply how to think about the lesson during the week and the rest of your life.  Repeat, repeat, repeat...



  The Father’s House: Discovering Our Home in the Trinity (Kindle Edition)   OP James Dominic Brent                                         ...