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Sunday, January 28, 2024


 LECTIO:   Leviticus 13: 1-2, 44-46

The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
"If someone has on his skin a scab or pustule or blotch
which appears to be the sore of leprosy,
he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest,
or to one of the priests among his descendants.
If the man is leprous and unclean,
the priest shall declare him unclean
by reason of the sore on his head.

"The one who bears the sore of leprosy
shall keep his garments rent and his head bare,
and shall muffle his beard;
he shall cry out, 'Unclean, unclean!'
As long as the sore is on him he shall declare himself unclean,
since he is in fact unclean.
He shall dwell apart, making his abode out side the camp."


Leprosy was an ostracizing disease.  In my life time I remember when my friend's mother had tuberculosis.  She had to go away and no one could visit her, except relatives.  My friend tested positive for tuberculosis but she didn't have it.
     Imagine in Jesus' time! One with a skin problem had to show a priest.  If the disease was temporary, the person was declared clean.  What did teenagers with acne, do?  
    If someone was unclean, they had to leave the community.  They lived an isolated life.


I remember the AIDS epidemic.  People at first, thought everyone could catch it.  Once it was learned that it was only passed on through body fluid, then people weren't so  freaked out about it.  Still.  People with AIDS were treated like lepers in Jesus' time.
   Sin is like leprosy.  It separates us from Jesus.  We need to seek reconciliation to join Jesus' society, again.


Lord, don't let me ever become separated from You. My parish community helps me be reintegrated into your family whenever I sin. Keep me close, Lord.


Increase my love for your people Lord.


I need to go to Confession.

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