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Saturday, December 3, 2022


 A common exclamation nowadays is, "Oh my God."  It's so common, that I have been known to use it.  One time a woman who is a congregant in the Refuge Church, reprimanded me, for saying it. So if I am aware, I'll change it to, "Oh my gosh!"  

I was going to explain to my censorious friend, that I was using an ejaculation.  But if she didn't know what a prayer ejaculation was, then she really would think I was a blasphemous papist. After all, ejaculation is a release of sperm!  But prayers like the Jesus prayer--"Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner," are ejaculations.  They are spontaneous eruptions of praise and prayer.

Instead, we will call prayer ejaculations, aspirations.   Now when I am moved to praise God or I am overwhelmed with blessings, I say:

Jesus have mercy.

Lord, have mercy on me.

Thank you Jesus.

Mary, pray for me.

St. Dominic, help me.

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