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Monday, January 3, 2022

The Way to Mass is Thru Your Heart II


St. Catherine of Siena is another "go to" model to emulate when it comes to learning to love the Mass.  Since she was a child she talked to God.  Talking = Praying.  Her mystical conversations are in a book called the Dialogue.  She talked to God constantly.  The central image in the Dialogue is Jesus as a bridge between God and us.  The bridge is over a river (think "sin").  Sin keeps us from God.  We need to cross the bridge. Follow Jesus over--talk to Him--take His hand.  Picture this before Mass.  Take Jesus' hand and let Him lead you over the bridge.  The two of you can stand arm in arm, contemplating and talking about receiving the Eucharist.  What was it like at the Last Supper?  Are you there?  Where are you sitting?  Whom are you talking to? What are you eating?  What does the food smell like?  What is the noise level?  What do you hear?  Is there music?  Is singing part of this celebration? 

Do you see Judas?

What going thru your mind?  

What is Jesus eating?

Is He smiling?  (at you?)

You are still in the preparation stage of going to Mass.  Constantly talk to God.  Walking or driving to Mass can be a constant dialogue.  Kneeling in the pew--"I'm b-a-c-k." Don't lose touch.  Stay in contact.  Celebrating Mass with Jesus, what can be better than that?

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